An America that works at home: Health Care

Communications • April 24, 2014

Bucshon Hospital

A strong America is a healthy America. This week, House Republicans met with Americans across the country who are being harmed the most Obamacare. We remain dedicated to health care reforms that lowers costs, provides greater access, and ensures high-quality care.

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Rep. Larry Buschon (IN-08) sits with one of cancer’s youngest victims while on his Hoosier Healthcare tour. Riley Hospital for Children offers individualized classes for their patients, ensuring the best recovery for each child. Under Obamacare, the choices and opportunities that children and parents have in medicine are limited, and are often decided for them. House Republicans continue to combat this detrimental health care law, to put decision-making back into the hands of those who know best: doctors, patients, and parents.

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Patty and Rob Slagle’s pharmacy has been in their family since 1904. This week, House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) visited Republic Drug Store for a first-hand view of how community pharmacies are essential to accessible health care and creating quality jobs.

Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) discusses Obamacare with seniors at the Westminster Woods Living Facility. Health care costs are increasingly the greatest concern for elderly Americans. House Republicans are dedicated to protecting existing insurance plans, doctor access, and lower health care costs.

Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC-10) toured the 21st Century Oncology center with Dr. Scott Roberts, where he got a firsthand glance at the newest treatments available for cancer patients. Innovation is essential to cure and treat diseases. Unfortunately, Obamacare limits innovation by restricting doctor decisions and patient opportunities.

Rothfus-VA claim
American Veterans have bravely served our country. House Republicans are dedicated to maintaining the health care veterans deserve and earned. Rep. Keith Rothfus (PA-12) was able to meet with veterans and discuss their health care concerns under Obamacare.

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