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Congressman Steve Israel

Representing the 3rd District of NEW YORK

Energy Independence

Comprehensive Energy Solution

America needs a comprehensive energy plan that will create new green jobs, strengthen our national security, grow our economy and protect our environment. Throughout his service in Congress, Rep. Israel has been working to end our dependence on foreign oil and create new green jobs in clean energy technologies.

On June 26, 2009, the House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454). Rep. Israel voted in favor of this legislation. For his letter to constituents and frequently asked questions about the bill, click here. The American Clean Energy and Security Act also included Rep. Israel's provision to expand home retrofit programs

Cash for Clunkers

In January 2009, Rep. Israel introduced original legislation to create a "Cash for Clunkers" vehicle exchange program. The Accelerated Retirement of Inefficient Vehicles Act (H.R.520) created a program to provide consumers with vouchers if they traded in an older, inefficient vehicle for a new vehicle with improved fuel efficiency. In June 2009, a compromise version of this legislation passed in the House of Representatives. 

Also during the 111th Congress (2009-2010), Reps. Israel and Jay Inslee of Washington launched the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, a House caucus to promote a green energy policy agenda.

Next Generation Energy Security

Rep. Israel has proposed the Next Generation Energy Security Initiative. This landmark plan spurs advanced energy by incentivizing new markets and new supplies – creating the next generation of new jobs.

Next Generation Energy Security InitiativeHere's a summary of the plan:

1. Expand Supply
Rep. Israel’s plan offers investment and production tax credits to companies that are working on renewable energy technologies like wind, solar, hydrogen, and biofuels.

2. Help Trigger Demand
Rep. Israel's plan offers tax incentives for working families to buy energy efficient technologies. His plan would give every American an expanded tax credit for advanced energy purchases – whether it’s an energy efficient appliance or an alternate fuel vehicle. 

3. Use the Federal Government's Purchasing Power
Rep. Israel's plan unleashes innovation in America’s auto industry in two ways: First, it commits to replace 50,000 gas-guzzling vehicles in the federal -fleet with advanced technology cars. Second, it provides the auto industry with incentive to boost production of advanced technology vehicles by 2011. And it creates a national security network to research and develop advanced energy security technologies.

Thanks to Congressman Israel’s efforts, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which was signed into law by President Obama on February 17th, 2009 included language that triggers the Federal Government to buy energy efficient vehicles. 

4. Clean Energy and Local Tax Relief Legislation.
School districts and local governments are major energy users, and that impacts local taxes. One key factor in rising budgets is the increase costs to put fuel in gas guzzling busses and heat aging public buildings. Rep. Israel's proposal helps reimburse school and local governments to invest in new energy technologies – whether its hybrid vehicles or energy-efficient building technologies.

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Jan 8, 2014 Press Release

Washington, D.C.— Today, Congressman Steve Israel (D-Huntington) visited the Great Neck Water Pollution Control District to learn about the district’s cutting-edge work utilizing clean technology, including a proposed Grease Receiving Station that increases methane production, generates power and cuts sludge hauling costs.  He also learned about the recently-completed $60 million project to upgrade the district’s facility and consolidation with the Village of Great Neck’s sewage system.

Jun 23, 2011 Press Release

“High gas prices have been leaving a hole in Long Islanders’ wallets. Using the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to reduce gas prices will give families a break,” said Rep. Israel. “However this is only a short-term solution. We need to end our dependence on foreign oil altogether. I hope that my Republican colleagues, who just slashed funding for job-creating renewable energy programs, will reconsider their efforts to turn back the clock on energy advancements and instead work on bipartisan solutions to our energy crisis.”

Apr 25, 2011 Press Release

“For most Long Islanders, getting to the grocery store, getting the kids to school and getting to work means driving – and paying for it at the pump. With gas prices over $4 a gallon, it’s not uncommon to top $50 or $75 in one trip to the gas station,” said Rep. Israel. “Gas prices are hurting families and hurting our nation’s prospects for economic recovery. The time to do something about it is now. A small drawdown of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve could lower prices in a matter of weeks.”

Apr 21, 2011 Press Release

"Making homes energy efficient is a proven job creator, a money saver, and an emissions reducer. For many homeowners, the only thing standing in their way is the front-end cost. Over time, these improvements pay for themselves. The new FHA PowerSaver pilot program will give homeowners a low-cost way to retrofit their homes and reduce their energy bills," said Rep. Israel.

Mar 24, 2011 Press Release

“Today, we are turning trash into treasure. This landfill used to be a hazardous waste site. Now it will be a clean energy producer – generating not just electricity, but also jobs. I’m proud to say that two local companies are working on this project and that we are using ‘Buy America’ qualified solar panels. This is another step toward expanding Long Island’s clean technology economy and creating new green jobs for future generations. I’m grateful to Supervisor Nolan and Councilman Edwards for our partnership on this project,” said Rep. Israel

Mar 1, 2011 Press Release

“For OPEC and speculators, oil price spikes mean profits. But for Long Island families, it means an unexpected economic burden,” said Rep. Israel. “Instability in the Middle East means we’re paying at the pump here at home. Over the long term, we need the United States to transition off of foreign oil. And for the short term, we need to provide relief and prevent unmanageable gas prices that hurt families and slow economic growth.”

Jan 4, 2011 Press Release

“YouthBuild Long Island is training the next generation for promising careers in green jobs. This conference is about connecting these future energy leaders with the businesses that are growing our green energy economy right here on Long Island,” said Rep. Israel. “I’ve been proud to work with YouthBuild for several years and even more proud to have a YouthBuild graduate work for me in my Hauppauge office. With firsthand knowledge, I know that this program gives young people the skills to make them an effective part of our green workforce.”

Aug 30, 2010 Press Release

“Businesses on Long Island are innovators—they use cutting edge technologies to manufacture their products more efficiently, but they want to cut their energy bills in order to stay on Long Island and keep jobs here,” Israel said.  “This pilot program will foster deployments of advanced energy technologies and allow businesses around Long Island to see what clean energy resources work best for them.”

Aug 5, 2010 Press Release

“Long Island took a huge hit from the powerful storms last November,” Israel said. “Just as FEMA steps in when there are floods in Iowa, it is equally important that they provide resources when Mother Nature hits our region."

Jul 13, 2010 Press Release

“PACE programs have been expanding rapidly because they allow homeowners the chance to save money on their utility bills by making energy efficiency retrofits affordable. The FHFA must come to the table and work with the communities, officials, and industry leaders that have implemented these successful programs and find a solution so that PACE programs can continue and move forward with Recovery Act funded pilot programs. Thus far the FHFA has been unwilling to work with us and if the Acting Director of the FHFA won’t help us seek solutions then he needs to resign,” said Rep. Israel.