Congressman Kerry Bentivolio

Representing the 11th District of Michigan


For more information concerning my work and views on Transportation issues, please contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

More on Transportation

Nov 21, 2013 In The News

With Boeing involved in a contract dispute with machinists at its Seattle home, U.S. Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Milford, thinks the aircraft maker could find a very suitable new home in Michigan.

“Michigan may not have the coffee Seattle does, but what we do have is highly skilled, hardworking people with a rich history in manufacturing,” Bentivolio said in the letter dated Wednesday to Boeing CEO W. James McNerney Jr.

“We put the 20th century on the road,” he wrote. “We’d love to have the opportunity to put the 21st century in the air.”

May 1, 2013 Event


Congressman Kerry Bentivolio’s office announced the Mobile District Office schedule for the month of May.

Staff from Congressman Kerry Bentivolio’s office will be available to listen to any concerns and help constituents resolve problems or get information from federal agencies.

Mobile District Office Schedule - May

Hours: 9 am – 5 pm