Congressman Bill Cassidy

Representing the 6th District of LOUISIANA

Cassidy Statement on Obama's Contraception Mandate Announcement

Feb 10, 2012
Press Release
Feb 10, 2012

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressman Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) released the following statement in reaction to President Obama's announcement regarding his contraception mandate.

"Americans fundamentally believe that government should not intervene in churches and religious groups.  Recently, the President crossed that line by mandating churches and religious organizations provide free contraception and Plan B.  Simply put, the President decided that implementing his health care law was more important than protecting religious liberty.

"Even though the President slightly backtracked on his attack of religious freedom, he still did not go far enough.  The new ruel still mandates that religious organizations with moral objections facilitate access to contraception.  Furthermore, the narrow exemption will create moral dilemmas for private business men and women of faith who do not wish to pay for contraception coverage.  Our ultimate goal needs to be repealing the President's health care law and replacing it with a responsible and constitutional alternative.  No American should ever be forced to act against their religious beliefs."