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Release: Memorial Day Statement of Congressman Gerry Connolly

I join with my fellow citizens, veterans, and military families today in honoring the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our nation in times of war.

Generation after generation, American men and women have given their lives on the battlefield and military families have sacrificed and endured the pain of their losses to protect our freedoms.

It is important that we remember not only those who died in wars of generations past, but those who have been killed or wounded, or continue to put their lives on the line, in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other dangerous duty posts across the globe.

As we honor those killed in the line of duty, we cannot ever forget the families they left behind.  The loved ones of these American heroes are also heroes in their own right, and they deserve our respect and our support.

Last week, I paid a visit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Bethesda and had the honor of meeting and spending time with several of our wounded warriors from Virginia, along with some of their family members. 

Words cannot describe the sense of pride or the admiration I felt in meeting these young soldiers and their spouses.  Not one of them complained about the serious injuries they suffered or how their lives have been changed forever.  Instead, they highlighted their pride of service, their patriotism, and their sense of duty.

The sentiments of these men and women echoed what I heard from our active duty military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan when I visited those war zones as one of my first acts as a congressman.

Their bravery and their sacrifices reaffirmed my sense of duty and commitment to those who serve, fight, and die on our behalf.

So, to all of our nation’s veterans, to our active duty service members and their families, and to the loved ones of those who have given their lives for our great nation, I say Thank You and God Bless