
Internships are available in Congressman Welch's Burlington and Washington offices. Internships are offered during the summer and throughout the fall and spring semesters. They are for college students and recent graduates only. Although internships in both offices are unpaid, students gain valuable work experience and college credit.

Interns' responsibilities will vary. They will be asked to answer phones, run errands, research legislation for Congressman Welch and legislative staff, attend hearings and briefings, and answer constituent letters on various issues before the House. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions of a congressional office.


To apply for an internship, please complete the application form below and submit it with the following:

  • cover letter
  • résumé
  • college transcript
  • two letters of recommendation
  • a one-two page writing sample


In Order to Apply:

Vermont internship applications should be faxed to the attention of Susan Elliot re: Internship Application at 802-652-2497.

Click here to download the Vermont Internship application.

Washington, D.C. internship applications should be emailed to Kelly Allen re: Internship Application at

Click here to download the Washington, D.C. Internship application.

Intern Application Deadlines:

Applications are due by close of business on the last Friday in the months of March for summer internships, September for the fall session, and October for the spring session.

To learn more about the internship program, please call or write:

Intern Coordinator
Office of Rep. Welch
2303 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4115



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    Comments (optional)
    repName John Smith  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress Haverhill District Office
    1234 S. Courthouse
    Haverhill, CA 35602
    district 21st District of California  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2012  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2012  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2012  
    repStateABBR AZ  
    repDistrict 1  
    repState Arizona  
    repDistrictText 1st  
    SponsoredBills Sponsored Bills  
    CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills  
  • Office Locations

    Office Name Location Image Map URL
    Washington DC 2303 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-4115
    Vermont Office
    128 Lakeside Ave
    Suite 235
    Burlington, VT 05401
    Phone: (802) 652-2450
    or (888) 605-7270