U.S. Congressman Pat Tiberi | Representing the 12th District of Ohio

College Students

There are internship positions in both my Ohio office and in my Washington, D.C. office for college students. Find out more information and how to apply.

High School Students

Congressional Art Competition
Each Spring my office participates in the Congressional Art Competition. It's open to high school students in the District to submit their work and the 1st place winner will have their piece displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building.

House App Challenge
Established by Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2013, this competition is a nationwide event that allows high school students from across the country to compete by creating and exhibiting their software application, or “app,” for mobile, tablet, or computer devices on a platform of their choice.

Service Academy Nominations
Interested in attending one of our nation's service academies? This section explains the process and how you can apply for a nomination.

The Congressional Award
The Congressional Award is a public partnership created by Congress to promote and recognize achievement, initiative, and service in America's youth. The Congressional Award provides a unique opportunity for young people to set and achieve personally challenging goals that build character and foster community service, personal development, and citizenship.

Just For Kids

Below you will find exciting information about the United States government and other fun things.

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government
Learn how your U.S. Government works, about its history and your civic responsibilities by reading these pages and playing the games on this site.

CIA's Homepage for Kids
Learn what it takes to be a spy, read about the history of the CIA and try on spy disguises.

Do You Know What Happened on This Date in History?

EPA's Explorers' Club
Learn about the environment and what you can do to protect it.

First Gov for Kids
The federal government's portal for fun, educational and safe sites for kids.

Kids in the House
The U.S. House of Representatives' kids page.

Kid's News
Read news just for kids at the Washington Post Kid's Post Page.

National Zoo
Meet the animals that live at our national zoo.

NASA Just for Kids
Learn about our missions to space, new technologies and the history of our space program.

Smithsonian for Kids
The Smithsonian's official site for kids includes games and learning material about the things that kids are interested in.