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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
VIDEO RELEASE: Kline Urges Support for the Save American Workers Act
Highlights Consequences for America's Schools

This week the House of Representatives is considering the Save American Workers Act (H.R. 2575), bipartisan legislation to repeal the health care law’s 30-hour definition of “full-time” employment and restore the traditional 40-hour work week.

Moments ago House Education and Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) highlighted stories from across the country that document how the so-called “30-hour rule” is undermining our nation’s education system.


Helieanna, from St. Anthony, Minnesota described her dream to teach at the school she once attended as a student. While that dream may have come true, she wrote that her “financial situation is less stable” than it was before the health care law.

Kate from Hemet, California informed the committee that her community college would have to restrict workers’ hours, noting “this impacts our ability to properly serve students.”

Secretary Sebelius once dismissed concerns about jobs lost and hours cut under ObamaCare as “speculation.” Yet for Helieanna, Kate, and countless others, the health care law is wreaking havoc on their families, their livelihood, and their schools. It’s time to do something about it.

To read Chairman Kline's full remarks, click here.

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