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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • ICYMI: What's Next for Head Start?
    Nov 16, 2012  - Each year, the federal government spends more than seven billion dollars on Head Start, a program designed to help low-income children prepare for success in school and in life. In an effort to ensure the program is working for families and taxpayers, congressional leaders in the House and Senate h... More
  • ICYMI: Market can fix student loans
    Jun 11, 2012  - By Rep. John Kline (R-MN) Unless Congress takes action, student loan interest rates for millions of borrowers will double in just a few short weeks. The House has already done its part by approving the Interest Rate Reduction Act, bipartisan legislation that will prevent a scheduled interest rate i... More
  • Bloomberg on Davis-Bacon
    Apr 6, 2011  - Challenges surrounding the administration of the Davis-Bacon Act have long plagued the Department of Labor. In August of 2009, Chairman Kline requested the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conduct a new examination of the implementation of the Davis-Bacon Act. As Bloomberg highlights in the fo... More
  • While you were out…
    Sep 13, 2010  - Congress may not have been in session these last several weeks, but plenty has been happening in Washington and around the nation. Below is a brief recap of notable education and labor news – what you might have missed and what is worth watching in the waning days of the congressional session. Commo... More
  • Washington Times on Democrats’ New State Bailout
    Jun 22, 2010  - Democrats’ internal feud about whether to add a $50 billion state bailout to the nation’s credit card continues to delay vital troop funding. Meanwhile, The Washington Times reports this morning on the president’s proposal to prop up over-inflated state budgets – including a $23 billion fund sought ... More
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