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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • H.R. 3610, the Streamlining Workforce Development Programs Act
    Dec 8, 2011  - THE PROBLEM: The nation's workforce development system, authorized under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, is a confusing maze of programs. A 2011 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report identified 47 separate federal job training programs costing taxpayers $18 billion annually. Mos... More
  • H.R. 3611, the Local Job Opportunities and Business Success (JOBS) Act
    Dec 8, 2011  - THE PROBLEM: Access to effective job training opportunities and employment services is critical to building a more competitive workforce. Unfortunately, the nation’s workforce investment system is failing to meet the needs of today’s workers and employers. Federal requirements have left local workf... More
  • H.R. 2465, The Federal Workers’ Compensation Modernization and Improvement Act
    Jul 8, 2011  - Chairman John Kline (R-MN), Ranking Member George Miller (D-CA), Subcommittee Chairman Tim Walberg (R-MI), and Subcommittee Ranking Member Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) have introduced the Federal Workers' Compensation Modernization and Improvement Act (H.R. 2456) which will enhance efficiency, improve progra... More
  • H.R. 1891, The Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act
    May 13, 2011  - Rep. Duncan Hunter, chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education, has introduced the first in a series of education reform bills planned by the House Education and the Workforce Committee. Rep. Hunter's legislation, the Setting New Priorities in Education Spend... More
  • S. 3307, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
    Nov 29, 2010  - Taxpayers are spending billions of dollars each year to combat child hunger and improve the health and wellness of needy children and families. Rather than extending and improving current programs, Democrats have proposed legislation (S. 3307) to dramatically expand the number and scope of federal m... More
  • Stop the Bailouts
    Aug 9, 2010  - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has summoned House Members back to Washington for a rare August session. What pressing national priority justifies pulling Members back from their districts and constituents? It’s simple. Democrats want another bailout. Doubling Down on Failed Stimulus Democrats already in... More
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