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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
Roe and Walberg Letter to Labor Secretary Solis



The Honorable Hilda L. Solis
Secretary of Labor
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20210 

Dear Secretary Solis:

On January 26, 2011, the Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing entitled “State of the American Workforce,” during which several witnesses testified that federal regulations make businesses in the United States less competitive, stifling the already weak recovery and destroying employers’ ability to create jobs.  One example of job-stifling regulation cited during the hearing was the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 2009 proposal to add a musculoskeletal disorders section under the types of worker injuries and illnesses that must be recorded by businesses.  While we are pleased that this troubling proposal has been suspended, we believe it nonetheless underscores the obstacles excessive and onerous regulations present for America’s job creators.

To read the rest of the letter, please click here.

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