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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
H.R. 1891, The Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act
H.R. 1891 Saves Taxpayer Dollars, Eliminates Wasteful K-12 Programs

Rep. Duncan Hunter, chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education, has introduced the first in a series of education reform bills planned by the House Education and the Workforce Committee. Rep. Hunter's legislation, the Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act (H.R. 1891), would begin the process of weeding out inefficient and unnecessary K-12 education programs.


Despite the tripling of overall per pupil funding since 1964, national academic performance has not improved. Math and reading scores have largely gone flat, graduation rates have stagnated, and researchers have found serious shortcomings in many federally funded education programs. As we work to reform our education system and restore fiscal responsibility in Washington, we must be especially wary of how every taxpayer dollar is spent.

  • The federal government operates more than 80 separate programs under the current Elementary and Secondary Education law.
  • In far too many instances, these programs overlap, which can result in waste and inefficiency.
  • Although the bipartisan continuing resolution for fiscal year 2011 defunded several of the most unnecessary K-12 education programs, nothing prevents funding for these pet causes from being restored in the future.


Congress must permanently repeal the authorization for inefficient federal education programs to ensure taxpayer dollars are well spent. This will help encourage a more focused, streamlined, and transparent federal role in the nation’s education system.

The Committee on Education and the Workforce has introduced the Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act to begin the process of eliminating ineffective education programs.


  • Repeals the authorizations of 42 wasteful education programs, reducing the number of federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act programs by half.
  • Helps balance the budget, restore fiscal discipline, and promote a more appropriate federal role in education.
  • Allows taxpayer dollars to be put toward more effective uses, such as funding programs that have a proven track record of putting the needs of students first.
The Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act will help put our fiscal house back in order while enhancing our commitment to education.  To view a bill summary and full list of programs targeted for elimination, click here.
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