
By the most recent count, there are well over half a million homeless Americans on the streets on any given night. Many are on the streets of Atlanta. With the 2010 Census reporting another 2.6 million Americans falling into poverty last year, it is critical that we not overlook the poor, the hungry, and the homeless during this economic crisis. We are a great nation, but we cannot continue to be great unless we honor our responsibility to the least fortunate among us. I will continue to speak out, speak up and urge my Colleagues to do whatever it takes to help poor and low-income Americans.

Throughout my career in Congress, I have consistently supported legislation that increases services for homeless people and promotes awareness of homelessness. My priorities include fighting for increases in Homelessness Assistance Grants, and reauthorizing the HEARTH Act, which would strengthen safety net systems in overburdened districts like ours. I will also strongly support increases to section 8 rental assistance, and the HUD-VASH program to help veterans get off, and stay off the street.