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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement in remembrance of the thirteenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001:

“On September 11th, 2001, our country was struck by an unspeakable tragedy. Each day, and especially on this day, we remember the nearly 3,000 innocent lives lost 13 years ago in the terrorists attacks in New York City, in a peaceful field in Pennsylvania, and right here in our beloved Virginia at the Pentagon. We also remember United States Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and the three other Americans who lost their lives in the attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi two years ago today.

“Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony in honor of the Fallen Heroes of 9-11. It was a meaningful opportunity to observe the heroic sacrifice of the all of the men and women killed in these devastating attacks.

“We grieve all of the lives lost that horrific day and honor their tremendous sacrifice. Let us take time today to thank our first responders who put others before themselves each day and all of the brave men and women in our military and intelligence communities. Their great sacrifices are the reason we continue to live in peace and in freedom, and we are forever grateful for their service.

“As we remember that day and honor those we lost, I hope that Americans across this country will join together in a shared commitment to preserving and protecting our freedoms, ideals, and our American way of life.”