Congressman Andy Harris Releases Statement on the Bergdahl Prisoner Swap Controversy


June 5, 2014

Congressman Andy Harris Releases Statement on the Bergdahl Prisoner Swap Controversy

Says the President Has “Put a Target on the Backs of All Americans”

Congressman Harris issued the following statement following President Obama’s decision to allow five senior Taliban terrorists to be released from Guantanamo in exchange for the release of U.S. Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who is under investigation for allegedly collaborating with the Taliban in Afghanistan:

     “President Obama made a deal that put a target on the backs of all Americans. Whatever the investigation may conclude, we should be terrified by this prisoner swap, which begs many questions: Is our new government policy to negotiate with terrorists? Do we as Americans have an obligation to recover all hostages, no matter what the price? What will happen when those freed terrorists inevitably go back to the battlefield?

     What we do know is that six of Bergdahl’s platoon mates were killed while searching for him. Mr. President: Let’s give them some attention, instead of sending out National Security Advisor Susan Rice, yet again, to the Sunday talk shows, this time to claim Bergdahl served his country with ‘honor and distinction.’ Let's make that judgment after the Army can conduct its Article 32 investigation and possible court martial of Sergeant Bergdahl.”


Contact: Erin Montgomery

Press Secretary

Office of Congressman Andy Harris, M.D.

Maryland’s First District

1533 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

O: 202-226-4870

M: 202-441-7940