Op-Eds and Articles

Apr 5, 2002

Arafat's Choice

Issues: Foreign Affairs

The Jewish Journal publishes an article written by Rep. Waxman.

Feb 15, 2002

Justice Delayed and Justice Denied

Issues: Foreign Affairs

Rep. Waxman suggests more oversight on Holocaust-era insurance claims panel

Feb 15, 2002

Rep. Waxman Writes Op-Ed for Jewish Journal on Holocause-Era Insurance Claims Panel

Issues: Foreign Affairs

The Jewish Journal published an op-ed piece by Rep. Waxman regarding the need for greater oversight on Holocause-era insurance claims panel.

Nov 2, 2001

Destination Unknown

Issues: Foreign Affairs

The Jewish Journal publishes an op-ed piece written by Rep. Waxman.

Sep 11, 2001

Waxman Renews NBC News Assault

Rep. Waxman Henry A. Waxman released an eight-page letter detailing alleged efforts by then-corporate chief Jack Welch--a major contributor to the Republican Party--to intervene in the network's election night decision-making.

Sep 10, 2001

Congressman says GE's Welch spent two hours at NBC decision desk on election night

Rep. Waxman charged that General Electric Co. Chairman Jack Welch spent two hours in November on election night reviewing returns and distracting the NBC News executives responsible for NBC's presidential projections

Sep 7, 2001

Israel Under Siege

Issues: Foreign Affairs

The Jewish Journal publishes an article written by Rep. Waxman.

Aug 17, 2001

Rep. Henry Waxman Takes to His New Role as Gadfly

Los Angeles Times article about Rep. Waxman's work on the House Government Reform Committee.

Aug 13, 2001

Did NBC Make Call With Welch in the Backfield?

In a Los Angeles times Op-ed, Rep. Waxman comments on the network television coverage of the 2000 presidential elections. He explains that the presumption that George W. Bush won the election was the result of the calls the major television networks made on election night.

Aug 8, 2001

NBC Balks at Sharing Election Night Tapes

Correspondence between Rep. Waxman and the head of NBC over what exactly happened in the network's newsroom on election night is reviving questions about whether Congress should have any role in overseeing the news media.
