Op-Eds and Articles

Aug 6, 2001

Waxman Presses NBC on Election-Night Videos

Rep. Waxman claims that NBC has been less than candid and continues his efforts to force the network to surrender alleged videotapes from election night last November to determine whether General Electric Co. chairman and CEO Jack Welch inappropriately influenced the network's call of the presidential race.

Aug 4, 2001

Waxman to NBC: Don't Welch on Videotapes

Rep. Waxman pushes NBC News to present alleged videotapes from the 2000 presidential election. The alleged tapes, which NBC insists do not exist, show GE Chairman/CEO Jack Welch trying to push NBC into calling the election for George W. Bush.

Nov 9, 1997

Los Angeles Times Henry Waxman Holding the Line on Health Care for America's Poor

Issues: Health

In The Los Angeles Times interview, Rep. Waxman discusses his dedication to health care reform, affordable prescription drugs, and regulation of the tobacco industry despite a Republican majority in the House.

Jun 17, 1997

New York Times News Service: Dispute Simmers over Distribution of Funds for Children's Health Care

Issues: Health

Congress has agreed to pay $16 billion on health care for uninsured children in the next five years. A major dispute has broken out over whether the states or the federal government should decided how to use the money.

May 22, 1997

Waxman's Quest to Clear the Air

Issues: Health

Rep. Waxman comments on the ongoing battle with the tobacco industry. The industry wants to limit the FDA's regulatory power and its liability in lawsuits related to nicotine addiction. In exchange, Waxman says, the tobacco industry would offer various concessions, including acceptance of Waxman's own Environmental Tobacco Smoke Bill, which would greatly extend prohibitions of smoking in public places nationwide.

Mar 5, 1997

False Alarms On Clean Air

Op-Ed by Rep. Waxman in The Washington Post.

Sep 25, 1996

House Bill Bars Federal AIDS Treatment for Immigrants

Issues: Health

The new immigration bill passed by the House today would deny both legal and illegal immigrants federally funded HIV treatment. Some opponents of the provision say it may result in more AIDS babies.

Jul 25, 1996

Congress Eases Rules for Pesticides In Processed Foods

Issues: Health

The Wall Street Journal published an article about the compromise Rep. Waxman and Rep. Bliley came to regarding the regulation of pesticides in food.

Jul 22, 1996

Progress on Pesticides

Issues: Health

The NY Times published an article outlining the bi-partisan agreement, in which Rep. Waxman was instrumental, regarding the regulation of pesticides in food.
