Op-Eds and Articles

Dec 23, 1987

The Washington Post: Waxman - Breadwinner For Medicaid Recipients Quarter-loaf is $600 million over 3 years

Issues: Health

Amidst an administration known for fiscal frugality, Rep. Waxman continues to fight to preserve provisions that would enlarge Medicaid. He is an advocate of increasing spending to provide better healthcare services to the disadvantaged. These services include coverage for thousands of low-income pregnant women, and tougher standards for nursing homes.

Nov 15, 1987

Editorial: The AIDS Secret Worth Keeping

Issues: Health

Congress should guarantee HIV test confidentiality and protection against discrimination

Oct 12, 1987

Congress Heads for an Ugly Battle over AIDS

Issues: Health

Congress is undergoing a nasty ideological battle over the legislation of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The pending AIDS bill will couple a three-year, $ 1.2 billion increase in federal funds for testing and counseling with restrictions on public disclosure of test results and a ban on discriminating against individuals suffering from AIDS or carrying the virus.

Sep 27, 1987

AIDS, Rights and the Federal Role

Issues: Health

Reagan Administration officials told a Congressional subcommittee hearing that a new Federal law was not needed at this time to restrict discrimination and guarantee the confidentiality of test results because the states already had or were moving to adopt the necessary protection. In this article, Congressman Waxman discusses his support for strong federal bills that would support such measures.

Sep 21, 1987

Administration Against AIDS Discrimination Bill

Issues: Health

The Reagan administration opposes the Waxman sponsored bill that would ban discrimination against people infected with the AIDS virus, boost funds for AIDS services and ensure confidentiality for those tested.

Apr 6, 1987

Critics unimpressed with Reagan's AIDS gambit

Issues: Health

President Reagan has ignored addressing the subject of AIDS and Rep. Waxman cautions that if Reagan continues to breach this issue, “we will have years more of bickering between public health figures and moralists, more infections and more deaths.”

Feb 23, 1987

The Fruits of Peace

Issues: Foreign Affairs

Article that mentions Rep. Waxman is printed in Near East Report.

Feb 11, 1987

Koop Urges Networks to Air Condom Ads

Issues: Health

Surgeon General C. Everett Koop called on the broadcast industry Tuesday to lift its self-imposed ban on condom advertising, saying that "the threat of AIDS is so great it overwhelms other considerations."

Jun 17, 1986

Cong. Waxman Saluted on Mideast Health Study

Issues: Foreign Affairs

Article regarding Rep. Waxman is printed in NIH Record.

May 18, 1986

A Good Project, In Danger

Issues: Foreign Affairs

Article printed in San Diego Union mentions Rep. Waxman.
