
Congresswoman Lowey Urges HUD to Award Remaining Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief Funds to Sandy-Affected Areas

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-Westchester/Rockland), the Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Committee, today sent a letter to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan in reaction to the administration’s proposal to award remaining Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief Funds via competition, including with other regions of the county beyond those affected by Sandy. The funds were part of a $60 billion disaster assistance package passed in the wake of Hurricane Sandy to help communities, businesses and families rebuild and recover.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, HUD is considering making $3.6 billion available through a national resiliency fund that would be awarded via a competitive process, and areas outside the Sandy-affected region could be eligible to apply. Given continued need for recovery and resiliency in the New York region, Lowey called on Donovan to preserve the remaining funds for Sandy-related expenses.

The full text of the Congresswoman’s letter is below:

The Honorable Shaun Donovan
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street S.W.
Washington, DC  20410

Dear Secretary Donovan:

I write you with great concern regarding the administration's proposal to award the remaining Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief funds for Hurricane Sandy via competition.  As you know, the areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy have unmet needs that exceed the funds available.  In fact, I am concerned that the funds available are insufficient to meet the needs of the rebuilding effort and that more funds may be needed in the future.  I ask you to award all remaining funds to the areas affected by the storm so that they can develop and implement projects that will mitigate the impact of future disasters.

In addition, New York was affected by major disasters in 2011, 2012 and 2013.  Some of the damage was compounded by successive incidents; infrastructure weakened by Hurricane Irene was destroyed in Hurricane Sandy.  Investing in prevention and mitigation is the right thing to do.  It will save money and save lives in the future.

Thank you for all of the work you have done to respond to the immense challenges that Hurricane Sandy has brought to New York and the region.  As always, I look forward to working with you on this matter.



Nita Lowey
Ranking Member, Committee on Appropriations
