
Congresswoman Lowey Urges Kerry to Protect Jewish Citizens in Ukraine

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY), Ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee and the Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, today wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry regarding reports of Jewish citizens in Eastern Ukraine being ordered to “register” with pro-Russian militants in the city of Donetsk.

Dear Secretary Kerry:

I write regarding today’s highly alarming press reports from eastern Ukraine indicating that Jewish citizens are being ordered to ‘register’ with the pro-Russian militants in the city of Donetsk.  I understand anyone refusing to comply could be stripped of their citizenship and possibly face the loss of their property.  This is an unacceptable escalation of the crisis in Ukraine and cause for both grave concern and immediate action. 

As you are well aware, the singling out of Jewish communities for further scrutiny and possible punishment reeks of age-old anti-Semitic policies.  While I commend the joint statement issued by the U.S., EU, Russia and Ukraine today condemning anti-Semitism and extremism, your continued leadership is critical in defusing the situation in Donetsk as well as preventing additional acts of discrimination from occurring in other parts of the country.    

All of the parties involved in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine must understand in no uncertain terms that the world community will not tolerate such contemptible and atrocious behavior.  I urge you to do everything possible to ensure that Jewish and other minority communities throughout the country are protected from any form of prejudice. 

Thank you for your attention to this critically important issue. 
