
Lowey Statement Calling for Leadership Change at the Department of Veterans Affairs

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey (D-Westchester/Rockland), the senior Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, today released the following statement calling for leadership change at the Department of Veterans Affairs:

“The VA Inspector General’s interim report made clear that there are simply too many systemic problems within the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

“Secretary Shinseki should resign and expeditious efforts should be made to regain the confidence of veterans and the American public in the VA’s ability to rectify these systemic problems that resulted in delays for veterans’ care.

“The Department of Justice must conduct a criminal investigation into the allegations about misconduct and findings in the VA Inspector General’s interim report related to wait times for veterans to receive care. It is vital to expeditiously uncover any criminal wrongdoing and hold accountable any and every VA official involved. Our veterans must have the quality and timely care they have earned in service to our great nation.”

Congresswoman Lowey requested an investigation into the Phoenix Health Care System allegations, backed an amendment to support an investigation into this matter when the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill passed in April, and voted for a bill to facilitate the dismissal of executive officials for poor performance and ineptitude.
