Tag Archives: savings

OMB’s Reforms Can Help Agencies Better Manage Federal IT Projects

Information technology (IT) is critical to the health, economy, and security of the nation. As such, federal agencies plan to spend more than $82 billion on IT this fiscal year. However, as we have previously reported and testified, many federal … Continue reading

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Is College Part of Your Life Plan? Make Sure it’s Part of Your Tax Plan, Too

You probably already know that federal grants and loans can play an important role in making higher education more affordable. What you may not know is that the tax code also helps many people pay for college by encouraging savings, … Continue reading

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Retirement Planning in the New Year

Have you looked at your retirement savings account lately? As you make your New Year’s resolutions, consider making retirement planning one of your goals. We were recently asked to look at whether other countries’ experiences with plans similar to 401(k) … Continue reading

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