Rep. John Lewis -- Perfect Record on Civil and Human Rights

Oct 9, 2014 Issues: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Washington --Today the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), a coalition of 200 civil rights organizations and one of the oldest organizations of its kind in the country, issued its vote ratings for every member of the 113th Congress.  The LCCR has issued the Voting Record for every Congress since 1969.  The scores reflect positions taken by every senator and representative on matters related to legislative priorities deemed important to the advance of civil and human rights.

                House and Senate members were graded on about 20 votes taken in the 113th Congress.  Rep. John Lewis was one of three members of the Georgia delegation to receive a perfect score.

                "The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights is a premier civil rights organization with a long history and solid record of standing on the front lines to help this nation advance and transform.  I am proud to receive this 100 percent rating and am glad there are organizations tracking voting records on civil rights issues.  As we confront the challenges of the 21st century, it is much easier for all Americans to see that the issues of civil rights and social justice are not only relevant to minorities and the poor. 

                "All Americans are affected by the state of civil rights in this country.  From maintaining net neutrality to the mass capture of personal data, from the abuses of the mortgage foreclosure crisis to the gutting of voting rights protections, all of these challenges and more fall within the purview of civil rights.  These problems affect not just some Americans but all Americans.  It is important in this election year for people to know where their candidates stand on these issues.  Through this publication, the LCCR provides the public with an important service. "

