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They Protect Us, So I’m Protecting Them
Posted by Randy | September 01, 2014
Our law enforcement officers and first responders put duty before self, working on the front lines to protect our homes, our communities, our children and our lives.

For that, I am grateful.  I have supported the National Blue Alert Act, H.R.180, to establish a Blue Alert system throughout the United States to help speed the apprehension of violent criminals who kill or seriously injure law enforcement officers.  I have also supported the Eric Williams Correctional Officer Protection Act, H.R.4607, to authorize the Bureau of Prisons to issue pepper spray to any officer employed in a prison that is not minimum or low security to respond to emergency situations.

As a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations, I will continue working to increase public safety and ensure proper protection for our law enforcement officers and first responders.

I have also been vigilant in working to combat the serious threat that gangs, human traffickers, and those seeking to exploit children over the internet pose to our local communities and to the nation. Read more about my work here
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