Rep. John Lewis Mourns the Loss of Martina Davis-Correia

Dec 2, 2011

The older sister of executed Georgia prisoner, Troy Anthony Davis, died yesterday in Savannah. Martina Davis-Correia was the most outspoken advocate of the "I Am Troy Davis" clemency campaign, which spread to countries all around the world.  Correia traveled far and wide to any group that would give an ear in a strenuous effort to save her brother's life. Despite several commutations of his sentence, Davis was killed by lethal injection in Georgia in September of this year. The Davis case has helped turn the tide of public opinion in the struggle for repeal of the death penalty.  Rep. John Lewis made these remarks upon hearing about Correia's death:

"I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Martina Davis-Correia.The agony of this death sentence and execution has killed not just one man, but has decimated an entire nuclear family. After 22 years of struggle, Davis's mother died in the spring, her son was killed by the state of Georgia in September, and now her daughter has died.  Correia was a brave and courageous woman who was her brother's most stalwart advocate for clemency.  She was angel of mercy who sacrificed her health to win her brother's life.

“For a state which could have used its power to do what is right, the outcome is tragic. But for the Davis family, if it had to be this way, it is an elegant ending.  God has finally accomplished what the state of Georgia could not.  In his mercy he granted their prayers to be all together again--happy, healed and whole.  They leave us the lessons of their lives and a legacy of struggle that strengthened a movement for repeal of the death penalty in this country. I send my deepest condolences to the Davis family and to Martina Correia’s son, who needs our support in this time. May God richly bless you for the sacrifice you as a family have made in the long, hard struggle for justice in America.”