Rep. John Lewis Saddened By Death of State Sen. Robert Brown

Dec 9, 2011

"Early this morning," said Rep. John Lewis, "I heard the sad news that State Senator Robert Brown had passed.  It is disturbing and very tragic that such a gifted and capable legislator, who contributed 20 years of valuable public service to our community, would feel so alone that he would take his own life. 

"He was a voice for the voiceless, an eloquent advocate for equal treatment and even-handed justice for those who never have a chance to face the State Senate and plead their case.  At a time when the role of compassion is ignored in public policy, when poverty is on the rise and the struggles of the unemployed, the homeless and everyday working people have fallen on deaf ears within the chambers of government, we need a man like Senator Brown to remind us of the good that government can do.

"This state has lost an honorable man, at a time when men of honor are in short supply.  Sen. Robert Brown will be deeply missed."