Rep. John Lewis Statement on Voting Problems in Georgia

Oct 31, 2008

Asks Georgia Secretary of State To Resolve Voting Problems Before Election Day

Today Georgia officials held a news conference at the State Capitol to shed light on problems at a polling station in Atlanta. About five voter registration terminals malfunctioned last night causing over 1000 people to be left in line waiting to vote at the Adamsville Recreation Center polling station, many of whom will not be able to vote. Lines in Georgia are again extremely long today. Georgia officials are asking the Secretary of State Karen Handel to resolve these problems before Tuesday and are encouraging an extension of early voting to ensure enfranchisement of Georgia citizens. Rep. John Lewis made this statement at the news conference:

"Mayor Franklin, City Council President Lisa Borders, and Chairman John Eaves, I was deeply disturbed to hear that over 1000 citizens waited in the cold last night in Adamsville trying to cast their votes.

"It is a shame and a disgrace that in 2008 the state of Georgia is still lagging behind in making it simple, easy. and convenient to participate in the democratic process. Nothing is more precious in a democratic society than free and fair access to the ballot box.

"If we are having a problem today, we need to take any and all steps to fix it and fix it now before Election Day. I stand with my fellow Georgians and colleagues and ask Karen Handel, Georgia’s Secretary of State to protect the right to vote of citizens in this state.

"We are requesting that the Secretary of State use Florida and North Carolina as an example. We ask that she extend early voting in Georgia through Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. We believe the number of poll workers should be increased at polling sites where a large turnout is expected.


"She must increase the number of voter registration machines at locations where there is large turnout, and we are calling on Governor Perdue and Karen Handel to request emergency voting rights pre-clearance from the Department of Justice to clear the path for these changes.

"My office is preparing a letter right now, advising the Attorney General Mukasey of these issues in Georgia and encouraging him to grant emergency pre-clearance, when it is requested.

"The vote is precious, almost sacred. We must do everything in our power to insure the people of this state that our government is operating in good faith and is doing all it can to make sure every citizen can freely exercise his or her right to vote in this election. Thank you."


** UPDATE ** 

In response to voting problems in Georgia, Rep. John Lewis sent THIS LETTER to Attorney General Mukasey on Friday, October 31, 2008, asking for expedited preclearance of voting changes in Georgia that will resolve problems with voter registration machines and unmovable lines at Georgia polling stations.


Brenda Jones
(202) 226 - 4673