
HUNTER: Let Marines be Marines

Jan 26, 2011

When the conversation about achieving budget savings within the Pentagon started gaining momentum about a year ago, there was no disagreement on the value of identifying efficiencies and redirecting dollars to modernization and development - where...

Demanding Less from Government

Sep 16, 2010 Issues: Budget, Economy

When it comes to federal spending and government influence, Americans are demanding less – much less.  Across the country, job seekers, businesses and workers are rightfully frustrated with the uncertainty and runaway spending that continues to...

China Moves to Modernize Military

Sep 7, 2010

In China, military modernization is booming. The rate of production is unmatched with many innovative systems under development. This stands in stark contrast to the modernization of America’s armed forces—resting on the foundation of a declining...

Don't Play Politics with Defense Budget

Aug 19, 2010

There are only a few expenditures by the federal government that match the importance of investing in a strong national defense. Even in the emerging era of budget discipline, adhering to the principle of fiscal responsibility is possible without...

Reform Government, Cut Spending Now

Jul 29, 2010

Listening and responding to the collective voice of the American people is what government is supposed to be all about.  For too long, Americans have watched majorities in Congress promise accountable, transparent and responsible government, without...

Petraeus Offers New Chance for Afghanistan

Jul 1, 2010

The U.S. combat mission in Afghanistan assumed another dimension last week when Gen. Stanley McChrystal was replaced by Gen. David Petraeus — a logical choice given Petraeus’s skillful leadership during the Iraq surge. With this change in command,...

Chopping Defense Amid War Is a Mistake

Jun 14, 2010

There is no shortage of threats facing America today or emerging on the horizon. In Afghanistan, our military is engaging a dangerous enemy while global terrorism, fueled by a radical ideology, will take more than firepower to defeat.  All the while...

An Untimely Rush to Repeal

Jun 1, 2010

America's military is locked in combat against a dangerous enemy in Afghanistan, facing the constant threat of ambush and roadside bombs. The last thing our soldiers and Marines need is any unnecessary or harmful distractions. Whether intended or...

California State, Local Officials Out of Touch

May 27, 2010

The state of California needs to realign its priorities. For too long, the culture of California politics has perpetuated the growth of government through expansive new programs and benefits, creating chronic budget problems that only seem to be...

Real Immigration Reform Starts with Border Security and Stronger Enforcement

Apr 21, 2010

Now that health care legislation has been finalized, the Obama Administration and Congressional leaders have hinted at the possibility of moving forward with illegal immigration reform sometime this year.  The prospect is still uncertain but one...
