U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, December 18, 2013
CONTACT: Ian Koski at 202-224-5042 

Senator Coons sponsors legislation to exempt volunteer fire companies from healthcare mandate

Law is currently unclear about whether Delaware’s volunteer firefighters will be considered “employees”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) announced his support Wednesday for the Protect Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act, which aims to clarify the “Shared Responsibility” provision of the Affordable Care Act to ensure that Delaware’s 6,000 volunteer firefighters and emergency responders will not be counted as “employees” in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service, potentially triggering the law’s coverage mandate for businesses with more than 50 employees.

“Although the Affordable Care Act was designed to make healthcare more accessible and more affordable than ever before, unintended impacts have emerged and need to be fixed. This is one of them,” Senator Coons said. “Delaware’s volunteer firefighters do not receive compensation or financial benefits and should not be considered ‘employees’ of their departments in the eyes of the federal government. This bill would ensure that Delaware’s 60 volunteer fire companies are not considered employers large enough to qualify for the coverage mandate. It is my hope that Republicans in the Senate and House will work with us in implementing these repairs instead of clinging to their demand for repeal of the Affordable Care Act.”

“The Volunteer Firefighters in the State of Delaware appreciate the work by Senator Warner, Senator Coons and all of the Senate sponsors of this important legislation,” Warren Jones of the Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association said. “We are greatly concerned of the possible inclusion in the PPACA, what the implications of that inclusion could be and, overall, how that would affect the communities we serve. The volunteer fire service has been part of the thread of our country since before the American Revolution. We would hate to see that put in jeopardy. We would also hope the House would move similar legislation out of their committee and onto the floor for a vote, as well. The volunteer firefighter provides service every day to the citizens of America no matter their race, creed, religion or political affiliation. He or she deserves bipartisan support and passage of this legislation.”

Most volunteer first responders have other full-time employment, and few receive even nominal compensation or financial benefit. Many emergency response agencies do not have the resources to provide pay or benefits to volunteers, nor do most volunteer first responders expect to receive compensation or health coverage as a result of their volunteer public service.

On Monday, Senator Coons sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew urging the Administration to explore a fix for this issue independent of Congress. It can be downloaded as a PDF here: http://bit.ly/Jsz2g7

First Responders
Affordable Care Act
Internal Revenue Service
Untitled Document