Rep. John Lewis on Visit to Atlanta VA Center

May 29, 2013 Issues: Veterans

ATLANTA—Rep. John Lewis made this statement about his visit to the Atlanta VA Medical Center.

“Today, while Congress was not in session, I took the opportunity to visit the Atlanta VA Medical Center in Decatur.  I met with the new Director there, Leslie Wiggins, who has only been on staff for seven days.  I toured the facility, was able to ask questions and get answers about the new direction Ms. Wiggins hopes to take in leading the institution to a new and better future.

                “I learned that the Atlanta VA Medical Center is one of the largest VA hospitals in the country and that it is also the fastest growing facility in the country.  There are many challenges, as recent news reports have demonstrated.  It seemed Ms. Wiggins was aware of those challenges and is seeking to put remedies in place in an effort to resolve some of the complex problems a hospital like the Atlanta VA Medical Center has to face, especially as more and more veterans return home.

                “I think we had a meaningful and productive meeting, and I look forward to the possibility that her leadership could lead to impactful change at that institution.

               “In addition, I want my constituents to know that I have the deepest concern for and commitment to American servicewomen and men.  Their sacrifice deserves our enduring honor and respect.  My staff and I work tirelessly to ensure that they receive the services and benefits they are due in a just, dignified, and timely manner.  We will not waver in this commitment on in this work either here in Atlanta and in the Congress.” 
