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Hunter statement on Iraq

Jun 16, 2014 Press Release

Rep. Duncan Hunter made the following statement today regarding the situation in Iraq: "The latest escalation in Iraq underscores a massive strategic and foreign policy failure by the President and his Administration.  And because of the President's...

White House had better options on Bergdahl

Jun 8, 2014 Column

With the recovery of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl last week, feelings about whether a disproportionate exchange of prisoners was right or wrong are divided between the principles that our military “leaves no man behind” and America “does not negotiate...

Congressman statement on nomination of General Joe Dunford

Jun 5, 2014 Press Release

Congressman Duncan Hunter made the following statement today regarding the nomination of General Joe Dunford for commandant of the Marine Corps: “General Joe Dunford is one of the Marine Corps’ best and most effective leaders and I am thrilled he’s...

Congressman Hunter leads bipartisan letter to Mexican AG on jailed Marine

May 8, 2014 Press Release

Washington DC—Today, Congressman Duncan Hunter sent a bipartisan letter signed by members of the House of Representatives to Mexico’s Attorney General regarding the imprisonment of U.S. citizen and Marine veteran Andrew Tahmooressi.  The letter...

Congressman Hunter to introduce legislation to target Benghazi attackers

May 6, 2014 Press Release

Washington DC—Congressman Duncan Hunter will introduce legislation today to provide the President with a use of force authorization directed at the terrorists and organizations responsible for the attack in Benghazi that resulted in four dead...

Congressman Hunter calls on Mexico to expedite jailed Marine’s proceedings and release

May 5, 2014 Press Release

Washington D.C.—U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter, a Marine Corps veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, called on authorities in Mexico today to expedite Andrew Tahmooressi’s proceedings and release.  Tahmooressi, a Marine Sergeant who served...

The New York Times Owes the Military and Veterans an Apology

Apr 18, 2014 Column

The New York Times is no stranger to sensational journalism, routinely focusing on provocative subjects and storylines, but a new low was reached this week—even for the New York Times. An essay written by Kathleen Belew, a quintessential...

Eliminating Double Standards in the Marine Corps

Apr 9, 2014 Column

In a recent Washington Post op-ed, a female Marine officer issued a strong complaint that women, unlike their male counterparts, are unfairly denied a second opportunity to pass the prestigious and arduous Marine Corps Infantry Officers Course (IOC...

Making headway with America’s maritime industry

Mar 26, 2014 Column

Those searching for signs of hope in the U.S. economy need look no further than an industry too often taken for granted — the American maritime industry. In the midst of a renaissance that is creating jobs and leading an American economic recovery,...

It’s Time to Award More Medals of Honor for Iraq Vets

Mar 19, 2014 Column

Eleven years ago this week, America’s military began the assault on Saddam Hussein’s forces in Iraq.  A coalition led by the United States outmaneuvered and overwhelmed the Iraqi army, breaching the gates of Baghdad in just twenty-one days.  The...
