Rep. John Lewis Criticizes Sweeping AP Probe


                “I am deeply disturbed by what I have heard surrounding the broad capture of Associated Press journalist phone records by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  I realize that we are entering into a very difficult era of cybercrime and terrorism and that we must use new methods to protect the national security of this nation that could require more intrusion than citizens have been accustomed to in the past.

                “I also understand the FBI’s concern that the leak it was investigating was very serious and damaging.  However, in our zeal to defend ourselves from outside threats, we run the risk of losing the very freedom we are working to protect.  Freedom of the press is a central principle of our democracy.  Government should take care in how it invades this aspect of our civil liberty and take every precaution to respect the dignity and integrity of these institutions and protect the vital role they play in our democracy.”


