Rep. John Lewis Leads Push Toward Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Dec 12, 2013

In recent meetings of the House Democrats, Rep. John Lewis encouraged members of his caucus to send “the strongest possible message” to the Speaker of the House, the Republican House leadership, and the American people that there are members of Congress who want to take action to pass comprehensive immigration reform in this Congress.

The Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi pulled the entire caucus together to join with the Fast 4 Families protest, a coalition of groups fasting for immigration reform in tents near the U.S. Capitol.  Members who fasted and those who are supportive of reform participated in a news conference with some of the 1200 Fast 4 Families lobbyists today. Some members marched to the Fast 4 Families tent after the news conference hand-in-hand with protest leaders and clergy.   This is Rep. Lewis  statement  made at the news conference as written:


Thank you, Leader Pelosi, for organizing this effort to send the strongest possible message to the leadership of the House of Representatives. There are members of this body who want to make a difference in the lives of immigrants in this country.

There are young children in America who live in constant fear.  They are afraid to go to school, afraid someone will point them out.  They are afraid their mothers and fathers will be deported. We don’t want to go home and start this holiday season of love, forgiveness and compassion and turn our backs on those who live in fear in America. 

The Senate has already passed comprehensive immigration reform.  The House has a companion bill, H.R. 15, with over 190 bi-partisan co-sponsors.  If the Speaker would bring that bill to the floor, we could begin the process of immigration reform in America tomorrow.  

Mr. Speaker, millions of lives are hanging in the balance as this Congress leaves for a break.  How can we turn our backs on the families who must hide in the shadows of this country?   They help advance our economy and add to the richness of our culture.  We are joining with Fasting 4 Families today to say we want to confront the challenges of immigration, including the issues around citizenship and border security.   

We want to put these issues on the table and begin the process of reforming our law to end the humanitarian crisis our current policy creates.  

We still have time to bring H.R. 15 to the floor for a vote.  Mr. Speaker, as a nation and as a compassionate people, we can do better.  It has been said maybe our foremothers and forefathers all came here in different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.  We’re all one people, one family, the human family. 

 Let’s do what the American people sent us here to do.  Let’s us work together and lead this nation.  Let’s find reasonable and humane solutions to human problems.  Let’s pass comprehensive immigration reform today, in this Congress.  Thank you.

