Rep. John Lewis on President Obama's State of the Union Address

Jan 29, 2014

                "President Obama gave an extraordinary speech tonight. It was full of hope and described a very optimistic vision of America.  The President emerged as a headlight and not a taillight.  He demonstrated that he is not affected by the challenges of his work, but he showed the American people his continuing willingness to lead.

            " He made it plain that if Congress was not prepared to make progress, he would take action on all the issues that are important to the American people. I was so glad to hear him talk about giving every American a chance to reignite a flame of hope in people across the land. He knows how hard so many are working to stay in the middle class and falling farther and farther behind. It means a great deal to people to know that the President sees their pain and wants to do something about it.

            "He talked about creating jobs, offering people a living wage, and addressed the issues of climate change and environmental preservation. Climate change is a fact.  We have to ask ourselves why has it started snowing in New Orleans, Charleston and Atlanta where people have been stuck on the freeways for hours today just trying to make it home?  The answer may lie in climate change, and we need to face the scientific truth. 

            "He talked about preserving the pristine lands, which is a vital issue to me.  We have a fundamental right to know what is in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink.  I was so glad the President mentioned these issues.

            "Immigration reform is another area where he signaled that we can make progress in Congress this year, and the president encouraged it.  Also I met the President as I was leaving the hall and he said to me, "John, are you making any progress on the Voting Rights Act?"  And I said, "Yes, Mr. President we are making some progress."

            "President Barack Obama is not deterred by any criticism or doubt.  He demonstrated tonight that he is still standing tall, still a man of courage and vision, and still prepared to fight for what he believes is good for the American people."                                       
