NIXON, Richard Milhous

NIXON, Richard Milhous


NIXON, Richard Milhous, a Representative and a Senator from California and a Vice President and 37th President of the United States; born in Yorba Linda, Orange County, Calif., January 9, 1913; attended the public schools; graduated from Whittier (Calif.) College in 1934 and Duke University Law School, Durham, N.C., in 1937; admitted to the bar the same year and commenced practice in Whittier, Calif.; attorney in Office of Emergency Management, Washington, D.C., January 1942 to August 1942; during the Second World War served in the United States Navy from August 1942 to January 1946 and was discharged as a lieutenant commander; elected as a Republican to the Eightieth and Eighty-first Congresses and served from January 3, 1947, until his resignation November 30, 1950; elected to the Senate for the term commencing January 3, 1951; subsequently appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Sheridan Downey and served from December 1, 1950, until his resignation January 1, 1953, to become Vice President; elected Vice President of the United States on the Republican ticket with Dwight Eisenhower on November 4, 1952, for the term beginning January 20, 1953; reelected Vice President of the United States in 1956, and served from January 20, 1953, until January 20, 1961; unsuccessful Republican nominee for President of the United States in 1960; resumed the practice of law in Los Angeles and New York; unsuccessful Republican nominee for Governor of California in 1962; elected President of the United States in 1968 and inaugurated January 20, 1969; reelected in 1972, and inaugurated January 20, 1973; resigned August 9, 1974, during impeachment proceedings against him in the House Judiciary Committee arising from matters surrounding the 'Watergate' affair; accepted pardon from President Gerald R. Ford, September 8, 1974; was a resident of New York City, and later Park Ridge, N.J., until his death in New York City, April 22, 1994; interment on the grounds of the Richard Nixon Library, Yorba Linda, Calif.

View Record in the Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

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External Research Collections

American Jewish Historical Society

Waltham, MA
Papers: Correspondence in U.S. Citizens Congress records, 1973-1977.

Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies
Research Library

Philadelphia, PA
Papers: Correspondence in Henry C. Patterson papers, 1929-1972.

Broadcast Pioneers Library
University of Maryland Hornbake Library

College Park, MD
Papers: 602 audiotapes (1960-1977) in Westinghouse Broadcasting Company collection, 1945-1981.

California State Archives

Sacramento, CA
Oral History: 1950 campaign for Senate discussed in LeRoy E. Lyon, Jr. interview (1988), 201 pages; in James A. Hayes interview (1990), 194 pages; Howard J. Thelin interview (1987), 215 pages; William B. Ross interview (1990), 322 pages; Herbert M. Baus interview (1989, 1990), 323 pages; Clem Whitaker, Jr. interview (1988, 1989), 195 pages; Arthur L. Alarcon interview (1988), 394 pages; Philip L. Soto interview (1988), 241 pages; Thomas Erwin interview (1987), 91 pages; Lucien C. Haas interview (1989), 344 pages; Roy Ringer interview (1989), 172 pages; and John F. Burby interview (1987), 178 pages.

California State University, Fullerton

Fullerton, CA
Oral History: 1968-1971. 200 items. The Richard M. Nixon project. Transcripts of tape-recorded interviews with family members, high school and college classmates of President and Mrs. Nixon, and individuals who knew them in their youth. Finding aid.

California State University, Northridge
Urban Archives Center

Northridge, CA
Papers: Correspondence in League of Women Voters of Los Angeles records, 1920-1980.

Clemson University
Special Collections

Clemson, SC
Papers: Papers relating to activities as special counsel in matters concerning Watergate in J. Fred Buzhardt papers, 1923-1984 (bulk 1973-1974); and campaign materials in Strom Thurmond papers, campaign series, 1938-1980 (bulk 1954-1979).

Columbia University
Oral History Project

New York, NY
Oral History: Elections to House and Senate discussed in Herbert George Klein interview (1967), 39 leaves; Irving Salomon interview (1972), 39 leaves; William Pierce Rogers interview (1968), 51 leaves; 1950 Senate campaign discussed in Robert Hutchinson Finch interview (1967), 69 leaves. Also discussed in numerous other interviews.

Columbia University
Rare Book and Manuscript Library

New York, NY
Papers: 4 official letters (January-May 1948) in the James Truslow Adams collection; 2 letters (1957, 1970) in the Gilmore D. Clarke collection; 1 official letter (February 12, 1958) in the Council on Religion and International Affairs papers; 36 letters (1960-1965) in the Declaration of Atlantic Unity collection; 1 letter (October 18, 1972) in the John Warren Hill collection; 4 official letters (1953-1956) in the V.K. Wellington Koo collection; 1 political letter (January 14, 1969) in the Dugene Nikerson collection; 3 letters (February-May 1951) in the Dorothy Stecher Norman collection; 1 personal letter (May 20, 1959) in the Political Science Quarterly collection; 9 personal letters (1953-1955) in the Random House collection; 1 letter (December 2, 1968) in the Harry Scherman collection; 2 letters (1959, 1971) in the Whitney M. Young, Jr. collection; in Gilmore D. Clarke papers, ca. 1920-1980; interviews for book in David Abrahamsen papers, 1902-1981; and Lawyers Committee on American Policy Towards Vietnam records, regarding Nixon impeachment, 1962-1979.

Cornell University Libraries
Rare Books and Manuscript Collections

Ithaca, NY
Papers: Correspondence in Karl Douglas Butler papers, 1935-1964; and National Grange records, 1842-1969.

Cornell University
Labor Management Documentation

Ithaca, NY
Papers: Correspondence in David Lawrence Cole correspondence, 1946-1977; Serafino Romualdi papers, 1936-1967 (bulk 1946-1966); National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees records 1943-1974; and discussed in George Meany "Face the Nation" interview, 1970.

Dartmouth College

Hanover, NH
Papers: Correspondence in W.H. Ferry papers, 1940-1980; and Robert C. Hill papers, 1940-1978.

East Carolina University
Joyner Library

Greenville, NC
Papers: Correspondence in Ira Thomas Wyche papers, 1941-1962.

Eastern Kentucky University
Special Collections and Archives

Richmond, KY
Papers: Correspondence in Robert Richard Martin papers, 1914-1976.

Emory University
Robert W. Woodruff Library

Atlanta, GA
Papers: Materials pertaining to Nixon's trip to China in Alfred le Sesne Jenkins papers, 1951-1980; items in Dorothy Rogers Tilly papers, 1868-1970; James Vinson Carmichael papers, 1913-1982; Ralph McGill papers, 1853-1971; Josephine Mathewson Wilkins papers, 1920-1977; and Richard H. Rich papers, 1902-1981.

Fairfield Historical Society

Fairfield, CT
Papers: Correspondence in Beers family papers, 1774-1890.

Hagley Museum and Library

Greenville, DE
Papers: Correspondence in Pew family papers, 1817-1965; J. Howard Pew papers, 1902-1971; Jasper E. Crane papers, 1893-1970 (bulk 1926-1969); Charles Bedford McCoy papers, 1967-1974; Crawford H. Greenewalt papers, 1928-1968 (1942-1968); and Sun Company, Office of President, files of Robert G. Dunlop, 1947-1971.

Harvard University
Houghton Library

Cambridge, MA
Papers: Correspondence in Christian Archibald Herter papers, 1929-1967 (bulk 1943-1966).

Harvard University
Law School Library

Cambridge, MA
Papers: In Archibald Cox papers, 1862-1978 (bulk 1973-1978); Lon Fuller papers, 1926-1977 (bulk 1956-1977); Roscoe Pound papers, 1888-1964 (bulk 1910-1964); and Alger Hiss papers, 1923-1983.

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace

Stanford, CA
Papers: In Annelise Graebner Anderson papers, 1968-1988; Robert C. Mardian papers, 1957-1986; John Ehrlichman papers, 1963-1982, in part photocopies of originals at National Archives; 5-page note (July 7, 1968) on prospects for concluding the Vietnam War; Kenneth Rush papers, 1937-1989; Robert R. Spitzer papers, 1954-1990; Murray L. Weidenbaum papers, 1960-1977; Gerald Lee Warren papers, 1956-1977; John G. Veneman papers, 1959-1982; interview in "Open End" television program recordings, 1960-1961; Curtis W. Tarr papers, 1963-1988; Laurence H. Silberman papers, 1947-1976; George Pratt Schultz papers, 1909-1993, closed; Joel Segall papers, 1970-1977; Raymond Kissan Price papers, 1953-1977; William A. Niskanen papers, 1959-1985; Richard P. Nathan papers, 1957-1979; Frederic V. Malek papers, 1968-1977; Jeb Stuart Magruder papers, 1968-1975; Henry Kearns papers, 1942-1979; Carla Anderson Hills papers, 1964-1993; Chester E. Finn papers, 1966-1992; and Paul Wyatt Caraway papers, 1953-1964.

Indiana State Library

Indianapolis, IN
Papers: Correspondence and papers relating to impeachment in Richard L. Roudebush papers, 1965-1976; David W. Dennis papers, 1969-1974; Kurt F. Pantzer papers, 1878-1979; and Roger H. Zion papers, 1966-1974.

John F. Kennedy Library

Boston, MA
Papers: Material relating to the book Catch a Falling Flag, a Republican's Challenge to His Party (1972) in Richard J. Whalen papers, 1955-1978, closed; and material relating to the book Perfectly Clear: Nixon from Whittier to Watergate (1973) in Frank Mankiewicz papers, 1962-1978.

Library of Congress
Manuscript Division

Washington, DC
Papers: 46 microfilm reels of originals (1969-1974) at the National Archives. Relate to civil rights.

Louisiana State University
Department of Archives and Manuscripts

Baton Rouge, LA
Papers: Correspondence in Charlton Havard Lyons papers, 1942-1973.

Mississippi State University
Mitchell Memorial Library

Mississippi State, MS
Papers: 1 letter (1972) in the Hodding and Betty Werlein Carter papers.
Oral History: Mentioned in an oral history in the John C. Stennis collection.

National Archives-Pacific Southwest Region

Laguna Niguel, CA
Papers: 1948-1964. 418 linear feet. Pre-presidential papers, audiotapes, still and motion pictures, and memorabilia. Includes general correspondence, memoranda, speech drafts and notes, news clippings, and other printed materials. The largest series of deeded materials open for research is general correspondence (ca. 24,000 folders), late 1940s-1963 (bulk 1953-1961). Other series include vice-presidential trip files, 1953-1959, containing documentation of trips to Asia and the Far East in 1953 and 1956, Central America and the Caribbean in 1955, Austria in 1956, Africa and Italy in 1957, South America in 1958, London in 1957, and the Soviet Union in 1959; invitations, replies and other records relating to appearances, 1948-1963; correspondence with children, 1954-1962; Six Crises manuscript and memoranda, 1960-1961; campaign files, 1960-1962 and 1964; Khrushchev's visit to the United States, 1959; books presented to Nixon regarding South American trip, 1958; and miscellaneous mementos and tapes, 1953-1954.

Nevada Historical Society

Reno, NV
Papers: Correspondence in David G. Towell papers, 1972-1974.

New England Historic Genealogical Society

Boston, MA
Papers: Correspondence in Chase family papers, 1847-1947.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Library

New York, NY
Papers: Genealogical chart. Finding aid.

Richard Nixon Library Birthplace

Yorba Linda, CA
Papers: Ca. 1900-1994. Ca. 2,300 linear feet. Congressional, business, and personal correspondence and papers; ca. 19,000 photographs (ca. 1890-1994); portraits; ca. 150 reels motion-picture film and videotape (1950-1994); sound recordings; and memorabilia. Includes education and Navy service files; congressional office files; campaign papers (1946-1948), Committee to Re-elect the President files (1972); correspondence, country files and special files (up to 1963); correspondence, trip files, speeches, and legal files (1963-1968); files of Agnes Waldron, research assistant; post-presidential materials including writings and manuscripts of publication, trip files, and correspondence; 4,500-volume personal library; and H.R. Haldeman collection on the modern presidency. Access by application. Processing in progress.

Richard Nixon Presidential Materials Project
National Archives

Washington, DC
Papers: 1969-1974. Ca. 40 million pages. Presidential papers and correspondence, photographs, motion-picture film, videotape, sound recordings, and memorabilia. Processing in progress. Official inventories available on 1,822 microfiche. For information regarding access and restrictions contact director of the project. Audiovisual collection, 5 million pages of presidential materials, and 418 hours of Nixon White House tapes are open for research as of October 1997.
Oral History: A few former cabinet members and White House staff. Some transcribed. Restricted. Contact project director for information regarding persons interviewed and access restrictions.

Princeton University
Dulles Oral History Project

Princeton, NJ
Oral History: 1965. 50 pages. Restricted.

Providence College
Phillips Memorial Library

Providence, RI
Papers: 4 items ( 1969-1970) in John O. Pastore papers.

Radcliffe College
Schlesinger Library

Cambridge, MA
Papers: In Jessica McCullough Weis papers, 1925-1962; Edith Nourse Rogers papers, 1854-1961 (bulk 1881-1961); Jeannette Rankin papers, 1879-1976 (bulk 1916-1973, available on microfilm; Katherine Graham Howard papers, 1941-1979; Elizabeth Holtzman papers, 1970-1981; and Martha May Eliot papers, 1898-1979.

Rutgers University Libraries
Special Collections and University Archives

New Brunswick, NJ
Papers: 1959-1960. 7 items. Correspondence involving the Committee to Strengthen the Frontiers of Freedom.

Scott E. Webber Collection

Stony Point, NY
Oral History: Mentioned in a James A. Farley interview.

Seton Hall University Library

South Orange, NJ
Papers: Correspondence in Bernard Shanley papers, 1838-1975.

South Carolina Historical Society

Charleston, SC
Papers: Correspondence in Thomas R. Waring papers, 1950-1977.

Stanford University Libraries
Special Collections

Stanford, CA
Papers: Correspondence in Spyros P. Skouras papers, 1942-1971; and Goodwin J. Knight papers, 1896-1988 (bulk 1946-1970).

State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Archives Division

Madison, WI
Papers: Correspondence in Thomas H. Barland papers, 1956-1966; Jack B. Olson papers, 1960-1973; typescripts of radio broadcasts about Nixon in Paul A. Shinkman papers, 1924-1969; William J. Grede papers, 1909-1979; Glenn R. Davis papers, 1946-1974; Thomas E. Coleman papers, 1914-1964; speeches in Republican Party Records, Wisconsin, 1938-1988; discussed in Richard L. Cates impeachment inquiry staff, Committee on the Judiciary interviews; Paul L. Martin papers, 1933-1977; Alexander Wiley papers, 1913-1967; Bryson B. Rash papers, 1956-1973; United Packinghouse, Food, and Allied Workers records, 1937-1982; Ed Sullivan papers, 1920-1974; interviews, scripts, clippings, and fan mail related to controversial program, "The Political Obituary of Richard Nixon" in Howard K. Smith papers, 1941-1963; David Schoenbrun papers, 1963-1978; Morrie Rysking papers, 1927-1978; Clark Mollenhoff papers, 1936-1990; John MacVane papers, 1935-1977; Herman Levin papers, 1943-1981; Indochina Peace Campaign records, 1940-1976; Raymond Z. Henle papers, 1883-1973; Emile de Antonia papers, 1868-1989; Thomas D'Arcy Brophy papers, 1921-1967; Creed Black papers, 1943-1990; videotape of the series, "These Are Americans", 1964-1965 in Gunnar Back broadcasts, 1930-1979; interviews conducted for Nixon in the White House: The Frustration of Power (1971) in Roland Evans and Robert D. Novak papers, 1963-1973, written permission required for access; and in Peter Edson papers, 1913-1974.

Temple University Libraries
Rare Book and Manuscript Collections

Philadelphia, PA
Papers: Correspondence in Joseph A. Livingston papers, 1942-1988.

University of Arkansas

Little Rock, AR
Papers: Correspondence in Wallace Townsend papers, 1916-1979.

University of California, Berkeley
Bancroft Library

Berkeley, CA
Papers: Letters and photographs in several collections.

University of Georgia
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies

Athens, GA
Oral History: 1978. 41 pages. Limited to reminiscences of Russell.

University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections Department

Iowa City, IA
Papers: 1952-1976. Ca. 100 letters.

University of Louisville
University Archives and Records Center

Louisville, KY
Papers: Materials on Nixon administration in Marlow W. Cook papers, 1961-1974.

University of Michigan
Bentley Historical Library

Ann Arbor, MI
Papers: Correspondence in George Romney post-gubernatorial series, 1969-1973; Stella Brunt Osborn papers, 1916-1983; John Richardson Stiles papers, 1958-1965; Elly Peterson papers, 1943-1985; Howard Cyrus Lawrence papers, 1916-1966; Jay G. Hayden scrapbooks, 1916-1965; Earl Farwell Dodge papers, 1906-1972; Owen J. Cleary papers, 1900-1960; Arthur J. Lacy papers, 1891-1975; Donald Leonard papers, 1925-1966; Paul Winston McCracken papers, 1920-1990; Michael Arthur Gorman papers, 1920-1958; Edward Hutchinson papers, 1959-1976; and Virginia R. Allan papers, 1932-1986. Finding aid.

University of Missouri, Rolla

Rolla, MO
Papers: Correspondence in Edward Walter Sowers papers, 1942-1980.

University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH
Papers: Correspondence in J. Duane Squires papers, 1950-1965.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Atkins Library

Charlotte, NC
Papers: Correspondence in Harry Golden papers, 1898-1970.

University of Oklahoma
Carl Albert Center Congressional Archives

Norman, OK
Papers: In Paul Edward Dannelly collection, 1972-1974; Esthmer H. Skinner papers, 1944-1969; Patrick J. Hurley photoprints, 1900-1956; Angie Debo papers, 1939-1976; and Jack Bell papers, 1937-1940.

University of Oregon
Knight Library

Eugene, OR
Papers: Correspondence in Wayne L. Morse papers, 1919-1969. Finding aid.

University of Utah
Marriott Library

Salt Lake City, UT
Papers: In Fawn McKay Brodie papers, 1943-1983; Wayne Owens papers, 1972-1974; and Frank Moss papers, 1937-1976.

University of Virginia
Alderman Library

Charlottesville, VA
Papers: Correspondence in Charles F. Baldwin papers, 1930-1984; Hugh Scott papers, 1925-1983; and Robert H. Angell papers, 1896-1981.

University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center

Laramie, WY
Papers: Correspondence in David Brown papers, 1932-1974; Richard Tregaskis papers, 1943-1973; and Dewey Anderson papers, 1939-1975.

Western Kentucky University Library
Special Collections

Bowling Green, KY
Papers: 1957-1974. 16 items. Correspondence (1957-1974); printed item (1971); and photograph.

Whittier College
Wardman Library

Whittier, CA
Papers: Miscellaneous items.

Yale University Libraries
Manuscripts and Archives

New Haven, CT
Papers: 1,822 microfiche of official inventories of Nixon White House papers, 1969-1974, originals at Nixon Presidential Materials Project, National Archives; items in John Collier papers, 1910-1987; Max Lerner papers, 1927-1980; Dean Acheson papers, 1898-1986; Charles Parsons papers, 1880-1965; and Hanson Weightman Baldwin papers, 1929-1988.
Research Libraries Information Network In addition to the institutions listed above, items are also cataloged in collections at: Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, AL; American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA; Brigham Young University Archives, Provo, UT; Brown University, Providence, RI; Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, NY; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH; Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, Santa Monica, CA; Harvard University Archives, Cambridge, MA; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN; New York City Municipal Archives, New York, NY; New York State Archives, Albany, NY; North Dakota State University, Institute for Regional Studies, Fargo, ND; Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA; Rensselaer County Historical Society, Troy, NY; St. Johns University, Jamaica, NY; South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC; Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives, Nashville, TN; State University of New York, Albany, NY; Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA; Syracuse University, George Arents Research Library, Syracuse, NY; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Archives, IL; University of Michigan, Genesee Historical Collections, Flint, MI; University of Missouri, St. Louis Library, St. Louis, MO; University of South Carolina, South Caroliniana Library, Columbia, SC; University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, WA; and Wayne State University, Walter P. Reuther Library, Detroit, MI.
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Bibliography / Further Reading

Abrahamsen, David. Nixon vs. Nixon: An Emotional Tragedy. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997.

Aitken, Jonathan. Nixon: A Life. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1993.

Ambrose, Stephen E. Nixon, 3 vols. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987-1991.

Bochin, Hal. Richard Nixon: Rhetorical Strategist. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.

Bremer, Howard F., ed. Richard M. Nixon, 1913- : Chronology, Documents, Bibliographic Aids. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1975.

Brodie, Fawn M. Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.

Bullock, Paul. "'Rabbits and Radicals': Richard Nixon's 1946 Campaign Against Jerry Voorhis." Southern California Quarterly 55 (Fall 1973): 319-59.

Casper, Dale E. Richard M. Nixon: A Bibliographic Exploration. New York: Garland Publishing, 1988.

Frick, Daniel. Reinventing Richard Nixon: A Cultural History of an American Obsession. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2008.

Gellman, Irwin F. The Contender: Richard Nixon, the Congress Years, 1946-1952. New York: The Free Press, 1999.

Hall, Perry D., ed. The Quotable Richard M. Nixon. Anderson, S.C.: Droke House, 1967.

Halterman, William J., ed. Nixon in Retrospect, 1946-1962: Selected Quotations. Silver Spring, MD: Research Data Publishers, 1973.

Henderson, Charles P. The Nixon Theology. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.

Hoyt, Edwin P. The Nixons: An American Family. New York: Random House, 1972.

Hughes, Arthur J. Richard M. Nixon. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1972.

Kotlowski, Dean J. "Trial by Error: Nixon, the Senate, and the Haynsworth Nomination," Presidential Studies Quarterly 80 (Summer ): 227-45.

Kutler, Stanley I. The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon. New York: Knopf, 1990.

Levitt, Morton and Michael Levitt. A Tissue of Lies: Nixon vs. Hiss. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1979.

Matthews, Christopher. Kennedy & Nixon: The Rivalry that Shaped Postwar America. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

Mazlish, Bruce. In Search of Nixon: A Psychohistorical Inquiry. New York: Basic Books, 1972.

Mazo, Earl. Richard Nixon: A Political and Personal Portrait. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959.

Mazo, Earl, and Stephen Hess. Nixon: A Political Portrait . New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

Mazon, Mauricio. "Young Richard Nixon: A Study in Political Precocity." Historian 41 (November 1978): 21-40.

Merton, Joe. "The Politics of Symbolism: Richard Nixon's Appeal to White Ethnics and the Frustration of Realignment, 1969-72. European Journal of American Culture 26:3 (2007): 181-198.

Morris, Roger. Richard Milhous Nixon: The Rise of an American Politician. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1990.

Nadel, Laurie. The Great Stream of History: A Biography of an American Politician. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1990.

Nixon, Richard M. Beyond Peace. New York: Random House, 1994.

____. The Challenges We Face. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1960.

____. In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat, and Renewal. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.

____. Leaders. 1982. Reprint, with new introduction by the author. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.

____. 1999: Victory without War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988.

____. No More Vietnams. New York: Arbor House, 1985.

____. Real Peace: No More Vietnams. 1983. Reprint. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990 (originally published as Real Peace: A Strategy for the West).

____. The Real War. New York: Random House, 1980.

____. RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. New York: Grossett & Dunlap, 1978.

____. Seize the Moment: America's Challenge in a One-Superpower World. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

____. Six Crises. 1962. Reprint, with a new introduction by the author. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.

____. "Superpower Summitry." Foreign Affairs 64 (Fall 1985): 1-11.

Parmet, Herbert S. Richard Nixon and His America. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1990.

Pope, Philip H. "Foundations of Nixonian Foreign Policy: The Pre-Presidential Years of Richard M. Nixon, 1946-1968." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1988.

Reuben, William A. The Honorable Mr. Nixon and the Alger Hiss Case. New York: Action Books, 1956.

Schulte, Renee K., ed. The Young Nixon: An Oral Inquiry. California State University (Fullerton), Oral History Project, Richard M. Nixon Project, 1978.

Scobie, Ingrid Winther. "Helen Gahagan Douglas and her 1950 Senate Race with Richard M. Nixon." Southern California Quarterly 58 (Spring 1976): 113-26.

Spalding, Henry D. The Nixon Nobody Knows. Middle Village, NY: J. David, 1972.

Speer, Glenn Michael. "Richard Nixon's Position on Communist China, 1949-1960: The Evolution of a Pacific Strategy." Ph.D. dissertation, City University of New York, 1992.

Swint, Kerwin C. "Tricky Dick versus the Pink Lady," in Mudslingers: The Top 25 Negative Political Campaigns of All Time. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2006: 164-172.

U.S. Congress. Senate. Tributes to Richard M. Nixon, Vice President of the United States. 87th Cong., 1st Session, 1961. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1961.

Volkan, Vamik D., Norman Itzkowitz, and Andrew M. Dod. Richard Nixon: A Psychobiography. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

Wicker, Tom. One of Us: Richard Nixon and the American Dream. New York: Random House, 1991.

Wills, Garry. Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man. 1970. Revised and expanded edition. New York: New American Library, 1979.

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Benjamin C. West, Superintendent, Daily Press Gallery, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded May 23, 2007 Deed of Gift