Category Archives: Government Operations

Podcast on Federal Agencies’ Customer Service Efforts

Federal agencies provide many types of services to the public, such as border and airport security and visitor education in national parks and forests. But how do they know that these services are meeting people’s needs? Hear our podcast with … Continue reading

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Rulemaking in the Federal Government

Federal regulation is a basic tool of government. Agencies issue thousands of regulations, or rules, each year to achieve public policy goals, such as ensuring that: workplaces, air travel, foods, and drugs are safe; the nation’s air, water, and land … Continue reading

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Podcast on Federal Oversight of Contractor Information Security Controls

Federal agencies often rely on contractors to operate computer systems and process information on their behalf. Federal law and policy require that agencies ensure that contractors adequately protect these systems and information. Hear our podcast with Greg Wilshusen, a director … Continue reading

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Partnering Strategies for Arts and Cultural Organizations

To mark Art Appreciation Month, we’re highlighting a report that reviewed congressionally-chartered organizations, and identified some strategies that arts and cultural organizations have used to leverage non-federal resources.  In June 2013, we reported on how a few of these organizations—including … Continue reading

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Sharing Health Records for Servicemembers and Veterans

The Departments of Defense (DOD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) operate two of the nation’s largest health care systems, providing care to more than 9.6 million active-duty servicemembers and 6.3 million veterans. For many years, DOD and VA have known that … Continue reading

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Planning for the 2020 Census

Although the 2020 Census is about 6 years away, preparations are well under way. The Census Bureau has designated today as Census Day 2014, as the Bureau is conducting its first significant test of the methods and technologies it’s considering … Continue reading

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Podcast on Defense Inventory Management

The U.S. military’s Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) manages billions of dollars of DOD’s inventory, such as spare parts to keep military equipment operating. GAO has identified DOD supply chain management as a High Risk area. Hear our latest podcast with … Continue reading

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Using DATA to Shine the Light on Federal Spending

Understanding how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars is a daunting task. In fiscal year 2013 alone, the federal government spent $3.5 trillion. In May, Congress unanimously passed and the President signed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA), which … Continue reading

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Video on our Duplication and Cost Savings Work

In light of today’s challenging fiscal environment, improving government efficiency and effectiveness is important. Our work has identified hundreds of specific actions that the federal government can take–or in some cases, has already taken–to reduce or better manage fragmentation, overlap, and … Continue reading

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Celebrating Public Service Recognition Week

Whether federal workers are responding to natural disasters, preventing widespread epidemics, maintaining our national parks, or exploring the vast unknowns of deep space, the American people expect that they will get the job done right. Public Service Recognition Week has … Continue reading

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