Making Youth a Priority

Congressman Lewis introduced two pieces of legislation serving teenagers and young adults.

Earlier this year, Fulton County’s District Attorney hosted a conference about the significant increase of physical violence, verbal, mental, and emotional abuse, stalking, and other forms of harassment among teenagers across the country, but especially in Georgia. In response to this alarming trend, Congressman Lewis introduced H.R. 7208, the Teen Dating Violence Prevention Act of 2008, which is a broad proposal to reduce and prevent youth dating violence through services to victims, offenders, and building awareness. 

Congressman Lewis also introduced the National Parents Corps Act of 2008.  H.R. 7255 would hire, train, and employ a Parent Leaders in public schools across the country.  These Parent Leaders’ full-time mission is working with school officials, other parents, and local authorities to develop comprehensive strategies, programs, and workshops on treating, preventing, and reducing alcohol, tobacco, drug, and gang violence in our nation’s schools.