Stewards of the iconic buildings and grounds of Capitol Hill since 1793.


National Statuary Hall, also known as the Old Hall of the House, is the large, two-story, semicircular room south of the Rotunda.
National Statuary Hall, also known as the Old Hall of the House, is the large...


Snapshot of a crowd of people on a guided tour through the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol
Official Tours of the U.S. Capitol Building are offered Monday through...


East Front of the U.S. Capitol Building
AOC’s annual Performance and Accountability Report provides the results of the...


National Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol lined with marble statues and columns
The Architect of the Capitol is responsible for the care and preservation of...

What's New

Capitol Building Plaster Repairs

Plaster repairs underway at the U.S. Capitol

The AOC has identified areas throughout the Capitol that contain historic paint colors or decoration that need restoration. In many of these areas the plaster has cracked under the stress and weight of multiple paint layers, a result of decades of repainting wall and ceiling surfaces. These areas have been marked for paint analysis; a process that allows the AOC to record what finishes were used in the past before repairing the wall. This allows the area to be restored to its original appearance. Once an area has been documented, the walls must be stripped down to a stable surface that has not been compromised by cracks. Then, the plaster will be patched and repaired.

May 2014: Plaster repair work is currently underway near stairwell to Small House Rotunda and the 3rd floor’s north hallway of the House side.

United States Capitol
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