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Capitol Corner: President Going Around Congress, Again

You’d think that after the election, backlash and court cases, that President Obama would finally realize that the American people don’t want more executive orders. They want the president to work with Congress to find solutions. Republicans are willing to debate the issue and work towards meaningful reform, however the president has signaled he will act alone and do what he does best: Go around Congress.
The president is avoiding a fundamental base of our nation’s democratic system when he uses executive action on major reforms. The funding, the process, and the logistics: there is much to be debated over such a large issue like immigration. The legislative process was written into place for purposes like this, and using an executive order to bypass Congress on a monumental change for our nation is an abuse of power. The worst part is it’s not just immigration, but almost every large issue that is a struggle with the president. It’s a terrible and destructive pattern that needs to be broken. What we really need is for the president to lead, but in typical fashion, the president would rather act alone now and point the finger of blame later.
In the upcoming few weeks of lame duck, President Obama needs to act cautiously with his next move. He is ignoring a large part of the American population who opposes amnesty in any form and will be poisoning his relationship with a soon to be Republican-controlled Congress before it has even started. Doing these two things could make for a very long, very difficult next two years for the president.

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