Reichert Statement on Progress on Pending Trade Agreements

May 4, 2011 Issues: Economy and Jobs, Trade

Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08), a Member of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade and the President’s Export Council, released the following statement in response to the Administration’s announcement that it is ready to move forward with congressional consideration of the three pending free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama:

“The Administration’s announcement that it is ready to move forward on job-creating trade agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama is welcome news,” said Reichert.  “I have been working since 2007 to see that these agreements are approved; especially with Korea.  Action on trade has never been more critical than now, because tariffs and other foreign trade barriers are costing American businesses, large and small, untold opportunities to grow and create jobs.  As we sit on the sidelines, our competitors in the global marketplace - like China, Canada, and the EU - are leaving us in the dust, aggressively opening new markets, and costing us opportunities to create hundreds of thousands of jobs.  I am eager for the Administration to swiftly submit these agreements for congressional approval, and I will continue working tirelessly to broaden support for trade and see this long-time goal through to the end.”

Speaker John Boehner recognized Reichert’s advocacy when appointing him to serve on the President’s Export Council: “Congressman Reichert has been a tireless and vocal advocate for opening new markets and approving pending free trade agreements – especially with Korea – that are critical to creating American jobs. Coming from a state where one in every three jobs is connected to trade, Congressman Reichert’s understanding of this issue will undoubtedly be of remarkable value. The President’s Export Council will be well-served by having Congressman Reichert’s credible presence at the table, speaking to the need for America to continue to engage new markets and to define and lead in the global economy.”

Reichert, a long-time, vocal advocate for free trade, has led the fight in Congress in his role on the House Ways & Means Committee, the Trade subcommittee, and as a member of the Trade Working Group to urge the passage of pending free trade agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama. Reichert founded the bipartisan U.S.-Korea FTA Working Group to broaden support for the agreement, and teamed up with Adam Smith (WA-09) to garner the bipartisan support of 88 Members of Congress in urging the Obama Administration to bring the U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) before Congress for consideration. He also traveled to South Korea with a delegation, led by former Governor of Washington and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, to meet with President Lee Myung-Bak and members of the Korean National Assembly in order to express support for a continued economic partnership.

Reichert was honored with the 2010 Trade and Investment Leadership Award by the Emergency Committee for American Trade (ECAT) for leading the fight to open new markets to trade, ensuring America’s continued prosperity. In 2008, Reichert traveled to Colombia with a bipartisan congressional delegation to meet with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and other stakeholders to discuss the Colombian agreement. Upon his return to the U.S., Reichert circulated an emergency letter urging his colleagues join as one voice and urge Democratic leadership to reconsider plans to stop a vote on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Further information on Reichert’s trade advocacy is available here.