Stewards of the iconic buildings and grounds of Capitol Hill since 1793.


View of the Capitol Christmas Tree in 2013 at night next to the Capitol Building.
The regular practice of displaying a Christmas tree on the Capitol Grounds is...


Screenshot of Google Maps image of United States Capitol and surrounding areas.
Located at the center of Washington, D.C., the U.S. Capitol Building and other...


Photo of Stephen T. Ayers, FAIA, LEED AP, Architect of the Capitol in front of the Capitol Building
On February 24, 2010, President Barack Obama nominated Mr. Ayers to serve as...


Photo of Capitol covered in snow
AOC Photographer Chuck Badal gives a behind the scenes look at how some of his...

What's New

Blog Posts By 'Sharon Gang'

September 14, 2012
By: Sharon Gang
What does the Constitution mean to me? Exhibit
My colleagues at the Capitol Visitor Center’s (CVC) Exhibits and Education Division asked that I create a sample journal to inspire U.S. Capitol visitors who will make journals as part of...
August 14, 2012
By: Sharon Gang
Jimilu Morgan presents the completed bust of Constantino Brumidi to then Vice President Hubert Humphrey - 1968
Sharon Gang, Marketing and Communications Manager for the Capitol Visitor Center, describes her experience meeting Jimilu Mason, an American artist with works on display at the U.S. Capitol building.


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