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When Women Succeed, America Succeeds

There's No Doubt About It:

Every day I hear from women and families in the Capital Region who work hard, but face impossible decisions due to economic and workplace discrepancies:

  • Do I take an unpaid day off from work to stay home with my children when they are sick -- or do I send them to school so we have enough money to get by?
  • Can I afford to take unpaid time off from work so that I can bring my elderly parents to the doctor?
  • If I send my child to a high quality childcare center, will we have enough money to pay our rent?

Do Issues Like This Affect You?

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We cannot strengthen families across the nation without focusing on the economic and workplace discrepancies that women still face today. Supporting our women in the workforce means increasing the minimum wage, passing equal pay legislation, providing family and medical leave as well as paid sick leave options, empowering women business owners and improving childcare options for mothers and caregivers. I strongly support the When Women Succeed, America Succeeds agenda. To learn more about my economic agenda for women and families in the Capital Region, please click here.

Unfortunately, the Speaker of the House and his team refuse to bring these issues to the House Floor for a simple vote, which is why I ask you to add your voice as a testament to how these issues affect real women and families, not only in the Capital Region, but across the entire nation.

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