Bill Summary & Status
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Items 1 through 16 of 16

1. H.R.733 : Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act of 2012
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 2/16/2011)      Cosponsors (294)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 9/20/2012 Received in the Senate.

2. H.R.1009 : Federal Communications Commission Collaboration Act
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 3/10/2011)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 3/15/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology.

3. H.R.1695 : Broadband Conduit Deployment Act of 2011
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 5/3/2011)      Cosponsors (23)
Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure
Latest Major Action: 5/4/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit.

4. H.R.2281 : Next Generation Wireless Disclosure Act
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 6/22/2011)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 6/22/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology.

5. H.R.2679 : PREEMIE Reauthorization Act
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 7/28/2011)      Cosponsors (63)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 8/1/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

6. H.R.6260 : To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 211 Hope Street in Mountain View, California, as the "Lieutenant Kenneth M. Ballard Memorial Post Office".
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 8/1/2012)      Cosponsors (51)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 112-254 [GPO: Text, PDF]

7. H.R.6686 : Mercury Use Reduction Act of 2012
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 12/19/2012)      Cosponsors (None)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 12/19/2012 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy.

8. H.AMDT.84 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 576 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit funds to enter into any contract with a corporation or other business entity that does not disclose its political contributions.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 2/17/2011)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Frelinghuysen raised a point of order against the Eshoo amendment (A074). Mr. Frelinghuysen stated that the amendment seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

9. H.AMDT.408 to H.R.2017 An amendment to prohibit the use of funds to enter into contracts with corporations or business entities that do not disclose their political expenditures.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 6/2/2011)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 6/2/2011 Mr. Carter raised a point of order against the Eshoo amendment (A060). Mr. Carter stated that the amendment seeks to change existinlaw and constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

10. H.AMDT.487 to H.R.2021 Amendment sought to strike a provision which would requires parties to appeal EPA permit decisions with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 6/22/2011)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 6/22/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Eshoo amendment (A007) Failed by recorded vote: 183 - 240 (Roll no. 473).

11. H.AMDT.549 to H.R.2219 An amendment to prohibit the use of funds to enter into a contract with a corporation or other business entity that does not disclose its political expenditures.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 7/7/2011)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 7/7/2011 Mr. Young (FL) raised a point of order against the Eshoo amendment (A044). Mr. Young(FL) stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill The Chair sustained the point of order.

12. H.AMDT.652 to H.R.2354 An amendment to prohibit the use of funds to enter into a contract with a corporation or other business entity that does not disclose its political expenditures.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 7/14/2011)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 7/14/2011 Mr. Frelinghuysen raised a point of order against the Eshoo amendment (A049). Mr. Frelinghuysen stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

13. H.AMDT.722 to H.R.1938 Amendment sought to include a finding stating that the PHMSA Administrator testified at a Congressional hearing and said that the PHMSA had not done a study analyzing the risks associated with transporting diluted bitumen. The amendment also sought to require PHMSA to complete a review of the risks associated with transporting diluted bitumen, and whether current pipeline regulations are sufficient.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 7/26/2011)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 7/26/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Eshoo amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 163 - 264 (Roll no. 642).

14. H.AMDT.932 to H.R.3408 Amendment sought to require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to review the results of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) study, as required by the bipartisan pipeline safety bill (P.L. 112-90), before issuing a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 2/15/2012)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2012 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Eshoo amendment (A001) Failed by recorded vote: 173 - 249 (Roll no. 55).

15. H.AMDT.993 to H.R.3309 Amendment sought to require entities sponsoring political programming to disclose the identity of any donor that has contributed $10,000 or more to such entity in an election reporting cycle.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 3/27/2012)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 3/27/2012 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Eshoo amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 179 - 238 (Roll no. 135).

16. H.AMDT.998 to H.R.3309 An amendment numbered 10 printed in House Report 112-422 to express that nothing in this Act shall impede the FCC from providing efficient and effective communication systems for state and local first responders.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 3/27/2012)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 3/27/2012 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Eshoo amendment (A007) as modified Agreed to by voice vote.