GEARIN, John McDermeid, (1851 - 1930)

Senate Years of Service: 1905-1907
Party: Democrat

Library of Congress

GEARIN, John McDermeid, a Senator from Oregon; born near Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oreg., August 15, 1851; attended the country schools, St. Mary’s College, San Francisco, and graduated from Notre Dame University, Indiana, in 1871; studied law; admitted to the bar in 1873 and commenced practice in Portland, Oreg.; member, State house of representatives 1874; city attorney of Portland in 1875; unsuccessful Democratic candidate for election in 1878 to the Forty-sixth Congress; district attorney for Multnomah County 1884-1886; appointed by President Grover Cleveland in 1893 as special prosecutor for the government concerning cases of opium fraud; appointed as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John H. Mitchell and served from December 13, 1905, until January 23, 1907, when a successor was elected; was not a candidate for election in 1907 to fill the vacancy; resumed the practice of law in Portland, Oreg., until his death there November 12, 1930; interment in Mount Calvary Cemetery.