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Congressman Xavier Becerra
Works at U.S. House of Representatives
Attended Stanford University
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American families are being disrupted and separated day after day. Our immigration system is broken. Let’s just all agree with that. So what do we do? We can fix the broken immigration system or we can put message bills on the floor of the House that are never going to get signed and leave in about five more days, ending the year 2014 without doing anything. Put the Senate bipartisan immigration bill on the floor of the House. Let’s get this done. 
Joseph Livori's profile photoDave Spencer's profile photoMark Burch's profile photo
+Joseph Livori Anti-Tea Party action...
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Why hasn't the bipartisan Senate immigration bill been put on the House floor for a vote? Because it would pass. There’s a cohesive group of Tea Party Republicans who are adamant that it not pass. 
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The jury is still out on how we, as one people, and our system of justice will respond to the cries for equal justice under the law for young men of color. We have serious work to do. 
Mark Burch's profile photo
In our view, why D. Governor/Mayor do not sack the chief of police and arrest the murderer Wilson..............where is the justice?
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President Obama’s decision today is a game changer for our economy, our security and our families. I wholeheartedly support the President’s measured use of his authority under the Constitution to set us on a course to finally fix our broken immigration system.

La decisión del Presidente Obama hoy es un momento transformador para nuestra economía, nuestra seguridad y nuestras familias. Apoyo sin reservas las acciones del Presidente, usando su autoridad bajo la Constitución, para poner en marcha un curso para finalmente arreglar nuestro sistema roto de inmigración.
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A. J Scipione's profile photoC Scott's profile photoDiane Raucher's profile photoBill Manus's profile photo
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I am honored and humbled to have been given the trust of my colleagues to serve another term as their Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. 
Alp Sun's profile photo
Alp Sun
We loved you sir.Thank you very much to all.

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I’m pleased to team up with Mayor Garcetti’s 10,000 Strong initiative and Goodwill to connect partner businesses with Angeleno veterans seeking work. 

We can salute our veterans’ sacrifices by making sure they come back home to good jobs.
Mark Burch's profile photoISABELLA Jauregui's profile photo
I'm very excited to see a Latin American, and also my son is a veteran thanks for sharing your own life story and supporting are veterans. .
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The disconnect in Washington just seems to be growing. Congress has a responsibility to write tax laws that nurture an economy that works for all Americans, not just the privileged.
C Scott's profile photoSardeth Wynn's profile photoDiane Raucher's profile photo
Now I gotta say thank you for that
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The perpetrators of the Holocaust have no place in the United States of America and under no circumstances should they have access to our crown jewel, Social Security. Thanks to bipartisan work in both the House and Senate, Congress is taking swift action to ensure that these heinous war criminals can no longer exploit a loophole to receive benefits.
Anthony Caputa's profile photoDeva Daruru's profile photoDiane Raucher's profile photo
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Ya vienen las estafas. Ya sabemos que hay algunos que van a tratar de aprovecharse de los que buscan cumplir los trámites necesarios. No le de ningún dólar a nadie hasta que sepan bien el proceso oficial.
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Alicia S Robles's profile photoClara Listensprechen's profile photo
Yes very good
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We recently learned that some Nazi war criminals and collaborators slipped through a loophole in our laws and are receiving Social Security benefits. I am pleased to join with my dear friend and colleague, Mr. Sam Johnson to introduce the No Social Security for Nazis Act which tightly closes this very loophole.
Jimmy Lee's profile photo
I want to believe you government at all because you got Elkhart County f*** up here was sneaking peoples houses and f*** him in the ass and play la dee dee la dee doing nothing done their government where you at you doing the same thing the people her a bunch of f*** up there help help help help that's what we need help
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American taxpayers have lived through the bailout of Wall Street banks and the handout of billion dollar subsidies to Big Oil. Now they are being asked to swallow a sweetheart deal for a foreign company that wants to ship its foreign oil over American soil to send the oil and its profits to parts unknown while planting the risk of a damaging oil spill on the backs of American taxpayers. Since when is that in America’s best interest?
Maureen Ramsden's profile photoDiane Raucher's profile photoMark Burch's profile photo
The oil will go to other countries and the demand for oil now is not as great as it was; meanwhile we risk damaging our earth with oil spills and other possible negative effects.
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Thrilled to meet Guadalupe Portillo of Lincoln Heights who recently became a citizen and did her civic duty today by voting. She’s 102 years young! It’s never too late to participate.
C Scott's profile photoJuana Rivas's profile photo
Bella familia
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230,876 people
Member of Congress
  • U.S. House of Representatives
    Member of Congress, 1993 - present
Basic Information
Proudly representing California's 34th Congressional District. Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security.
  • Stanford University
  • Stanford Law School
Contact Information
213-481-1425, 202-225-6235
350 S. Bixel Street, Suite 120 Los Angeles, CA 90017
1226 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515