Issues in the News

National Surveillance Agency (NSA) Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Americans

Louise is a strong supporter of civil liberties, and is shocked and angered by the news that the federal government is indiscriminately collecting the phone records and "metadata" of millions of American citizens. Louise voted against the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Reauthorization in September 2012 and has opposed every reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act.  On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Louise issued the following statement in reaction to the recent news:

"I am outraged by reports that the NSA is collecting the telephone records of millions of US Verizon customers under a secret court order. I have consistently opposed the reauthorizations of the USA Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act precisely because they grant overly-broad powers that could infringe on our civil liberties. We do not need to choose between security and civil liberties. I am eager to get to the bottom of this and finally enact new laws that protect Americans from the threat of terrorism while also safeguarding privacy rights."



Related Articles

June 6, 2013: House Rules Committee Ranking Member Slaughter Reacts to Reports of NSA Collection of Telephone Records





Louise voted against the sequester when it was presented to the House of Representatives. Since sequestration cuts have taken effect, Louise has been advocating for its full repeal.  She is strongly supportive of a proposal from Representative Chris Van Hollen that would repeal the sequester in its entirety and replace it with more responsible forms of deficit reduction. On April 25, 2013, Louise spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives calling for a full repeal of the sequester. You can watch the full speech below:


Related Articles

April 26, 2013: Slaughter Votes To Stop FAA Furloughs, Says Much More Must Be Done To Fix Sequester

February 13, 2013: Slaughter Chides GOP For Ignoring Sequester

February 4, 2013: Ranking Member Slaughter Slams GOP For Latest Budget Gimmick, Offers Support For Amendment To Prevent Harmful Sequester Cuts





Combating Sexual Assault in the Military

No one who volunteers to serve our nation in our armed forces should face the danger of sexual assault from colleagues. According to a recent report, there has been an estimated 35% increase in sexual assaults in the military from 2010 to 2012. The report estimates that there were 26,000 cases of sexual assault in the military last year alone. Unfortunately, such a figure is only the tip of the iceberg as it is estimated that only 1 in 10 victims step forward to report cases of sexual assault and abuse.

While there is still much to be done to help bring about the end of sexual assault in the military, Louise has been making significant progress in drawing attention to this issue and has been a tireless advocate to address it. Indeed, Pentagon officials attribute the most recent statistics to the fact that more victims are willing to come forward, thanks in part to the work Louise has done to protect their rights. Below are some ways Louise has been involved with solving the problem of sexual assault of women in the military.

  • In 2004, Louise led a hearing on the issue of sexual assault in the military and presented the findings to then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Later that year, the House unanimously passed an amendment championed by Louise requiring the Pentagon to implement a uniform and comprehensive policy to prevent and respond to sexual assault.
  • In 2011, Louise introduced H.R. 1709, the Force Protection and Readiness Act. Four provisions of H.R. 1709 were included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012, including the right for victims of sexual assault who request a base transfer to have their request reviewed within 72 hours and if their request is denied, to appeal to a higher-ranking officer.
  • In May 2012, the Louise won passage of an amendment to the NDAA that requires the Secretary of Defense to create an education campaign to notify members of the Armed Forces of their rights in addressing retaliatory personnel actions after reporting sexual harassment or assault.

Louise continues to work to protect those who defend us every day and is determined to solve the problem of sexual assault in the U.S. military on behalf of all who serve.


Related Articles

May 15, 2013: Congresswoman Slaughter Calls On Department of Defense to Review Sexual Assault Materials

May 7, 2013: Rep. Slaughter's Work on Sexual Assault in the Military Central To New Report From Defense Dept.




Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline

In order to maintain a strong economy and a healthy and safe environment, we need to address American energy independence in a sustainable way. That is why Louise opposes construction of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, something that would be damaging to our environment, keep us dependent on oil, and prevent our green economy from growing as we know it can. Transporting dirty tar sands from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico would increase the likelihood of an environmental disaster. In addition, oil transported by the Keystone XL pipeline would be exported to other countries, and fail to address the issue of rising gas prices here in New York and across the United States. Louise believes that our nation must create and harness the power of renewable energy if we are to stop the threat of climate change and provide affordable, sustainable and secure energy for future generations.

Louise recently joined signed a letter to President Obama, urging him to reject construction of the pipeline. She also joined 27 of her colleagues in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, voicing concerns over the Department’s Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). The SEIS will be a primary source of information that President Obama will consider when making the decision on approval or rejection of Keystone. Twice during the 113th Congress, Louise has voted against proposals from the House Majority to move forward with construction of the Keystone pipeline. On DATE, Louise voted against H.R. 3, the “Northern Route Approval Act”, and on May 22, 2013 Louise voted against H. Res. 228, “Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3) to approve the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Keystone XL pipeline, and for other purposes.”



Strengthening Our Nation's Gun Laws

People have the right to safety and freedom from gun violence in their homes, schools, and communities, and it is long past time that Congress acts to protect that right. The changing nature of firearms towards more powerful, military-style weapons compels us to take action now. Louise was disappointed that in April 2013, the US Senate refused to support simple improvements to the background check system. In the face of this decision, Louise continues to support numerous legislative efforts to strengthen our nation’s gun laws.

Louise is a cosponsor of H.R. 137 and supports the bill's requirement to have every gun buyer pass a criminal background check. These background checks are highly effective, instantaneous, and keep firearms out of the hands of felons and other dangerous people. H.R. 137 would also close the "gun show loophole," preventing the purchase of firearms at gun shows and online from unlicensed sellers. Louise is also a cosponsor of H.R. 138, a bill that would prohibit the transfer, importation, or possession of high-capacity ammunition magazines such as those used at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, the movie theater massacre in Aurora, CO, and the Tucson, AZ assassination attempt on former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Louise is also an original cosponsor of HR 437, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013, which would ban the import, sale, manufacture, transport or possession of a semiautomatic rifle.


Related Articles

April 18, 2013: Congresswoman Slaughter Reads Names of Slain West Webster Firefighters At 24-Hour Vigil to Stop Gun Violence Outside the U.S. Capitol Building

March 12, 2013: Congresswoman Slaughter Introduces West Webster Firefighter Ted Scardino At Bipartisan Forum on Gun Trafficking Prevention


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