Bill Summary & Status
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Items 1 through 8 of 8

1. H.R.122 : Regulatory Sunset Act of 1995
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 1/4/1995)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: House Government Reform and Oversight; House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 1/25/1995 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law.

2. H.R.125 : Gun Crime Enforcement and Second Amendment Restoration Act of 1996
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 1/4/1995)      Cosponsors (76)
Committees: House Judiciary; Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 3/25/1996 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and read twice and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

3. H.R.692 : Rural Community Wastewater Treatment Affordability Act of 1995
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 1/26/1995)      Cosponsors (22)
Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure
Latest Major Action: 2/9/1995 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.

4. H.R.994 : Regulatory Sunset and Review Act of 1995
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 2/21/1995)      Cosponsors (48)
Committees: House Government Reform and Oversight; House Judiciary; House Commerce
House Reports: 104-284 Part 1, 104-284 Part 2
Latest Major Action: 2/29/1996 Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 368 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 994 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered except motion to recommit. Upon adoption of this resolution, it shall be in order to consider the bill in the Committee of the Whole. Bill is open to amendments. In lieu of the amendments recommended by the Committee on Government Reform now printed in the bill, it shall be in order to consider as an original bill for the purpose of amendment the amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in the Congressional Record of March 1, 1996 as No. 1. Specified points of order against the substitute shall be waived. Additional amendments printed in the Congressional Record shall have priority for consideration. Upon passage of the bill, the previous House action on S. 219 shall be vacated. It shall be in order to take S. 219 from the Speaker's table and consider the bill in the House. It shall be in or...

5. H.R.2936 : To provide that if a member nation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Republic of Korea, or Japan does not agree, by the end of fiscal year 1997, to contribute to the United States for each fiscal year an amount equal to the full direct costs to the United States of United States military forces permanently stationed ashore in that country for that fiscal year, all such United States forces assigned in that country shall be withdrawn not later than the end of fiscal year 1999 and to provide that the amount of all such contributions and the amount of savings from such withdrawals shall be deposited in the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund.
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 2/1/1996)      Cosponsors (None)
Committees: House International Relations; House National Security; House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 7/5/1996 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Unfavorable Executive Comment Received from DOD.

6. H.AMDT.114 to H.R.667 Amendment sought to prohibit the expenditure of any prison grant funding until a minimum of 50 percent of the States meet the requirements of the bill's "truth-in-sentencing" provisions.
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 2/9/1995)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/9/1995 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Chapman amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 169 - 261 (Roll no. 110).

7. H.AMDT.136 to H.R.667 Amendment sought to broaden the eligibility provisions for States so that States could apply for both general and "truth-in-sentencing" prison grants, rather than one or the other.
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 2/10/1995)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/10/1995 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Chapman amendment (A024) Failed by recorded vote: 176 - 247 (Roll no. 114).

8. H.AMDT.241 to H.R.926 An amendment to add a new section which would require agencies to conduct a review as well as renewals of regulatory impact analyses of each major rule of the agencies.
Sponsor: Rep Chapman, Jim [TX-1] (introduced 3/1/1995)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 3/1/1995 By unanimous consent, the Chapman amendment was withdrawn.