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Office Locations
Office Name Location Image Map URL Ross Township Office 6000 Babcock Boulevard, Suite 104
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Phone: (412) 837-1361
Fax: (412) 593-2022
View on Map Johnstown Office 110 Franklin Street, Suite 150
Cambria County Complex
Johnstown, PA 15901
Phone: (814) 619-3659
Fax: (412) 593-2022
View on Map Beaver Office 250 Insurance Street, Suite 203
Beaver, PA 15009
Phone: (724) 359-1626
Fax: (412) 593-2022
View on Map Washington, D.C. Office 503 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2065
Fax: (202) 225-5709
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Comments (optional) repName John Smith helpWithFedAgencyAddress Haverhill District Office
1234 S. Courthouse
Haverhill, CA 35602district 21st District of California academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2012 academyAgeDate July 1, 2012 academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2012 repStateABBR AZ repDistrict 1 repState Arizona repDistrictText 1st repPhoto SponsoredBills Sponsored Bills CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills
Press Releases
House Reforms and Reauthorizes the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act
December 10, 2014Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] released the following statement after voting for the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (S.2244).
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Rothfus Invites Constituents to End-of-the-Year Open Houses at District Offices and to Write Christmas Cards for Veterans
December 9, 2014Congressman Keith Rothfus today invited constituents to end-of-the-year open houses at the Ross Township, Beaver, and Johnstown district offices.
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December 4, 2014Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] released the following statement after voting for H.R. 3979, the House-Senate compromise National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015.
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Rothfus Votes to Empower Families: House Passes the ABLE Act
December 4, 2014Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] released the following statement after voting for H.R. 677, the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act
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Rothfus Votes to Prevent Tax Increases
December 3, 2014Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] released the following statement after voting for the Tax Increase Prevention Act (H.R. 5771)
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A Question of Fairness
November 19, 2014Congressman Rothfus spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives regarding the President's expected executive orders on illegal immigration.
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Rothfus Votes to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
November 14, 2014Congressman Rothfus released the following statement after voting for H.R. 5682, a bill to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.
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In the News
Pittsburgh Senior News: RSVP awards luncheon features an "afternoon at the Oscars"
November 24, 2014Congressman Keith Rothfus personally delivered proclamation letters of recognition to Carol Yannachione and the American Red Cross. The offices of Senator Elder Vogel Jr., Senator Tim Solobay and Representative Rob Matzie were on hand to recognize the winners.
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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Western Pennsylvania Republicans Criticize President
November 21, 2014U.S. Rep. Keith Rothfus of Sewickley said Mr. Obama overstepped his bounds Thursday, and that immigration reform would be stronger and more comprehensive if policies were created through collaborative legislative processes.
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Beaver County Times: CCBC Salutes Veterans at Breakfast
November 21, 2014Greetings and messages of thanks were delivered by U.S. Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-12, Sewickley; U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Zionsville, who sent a recognition certificate; state Rep. Jim Marshall, R-14, Big Beaver; and Beaver County Commissioners Tony Amadio and Joe Spanik.
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NorthCentralPA: Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation Members Urge Federal Agencies to Abandon Controversial Waters Rule
November 17, 2014The letter was submitted today to EPA and USACE ahead of the closing of the public comment period, which is midnight on Friday, November 14. In the comments, the Members contend the rule jeopardizes Pennsylvania's ability to manage its own water resources and would impose devastating impacts upon a wide range of economic activities across the state.
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The Tribune-Democrat: Rothfus expects GOP-controlled Congress, Obama to butt heads
November 17, 2014"It's going to be a tough environment because you have an administration that just views things fundamentally differently, so the challenge is to continue to look for opportunities to advance your initiatives in that environment," Rothfus said during a visit to Johnstown on Wednesday.
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The Tribune-Democrat: Entrepreneurs in spotlight at annual Economic Summit
November 12, 2014"There is opportunity, I think, for shifting services and targeting an aging population with new services," U.S. Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Sewickley, said. "If entrepreneurs can be nimble and reposition themselves to serve that growing market, they'd be well-served to do so."
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The Tribune-Democrat: VETERANS DAY: Thousands line Johnstown streets to wave flags, pay tribute
November 11, 2014U.S. Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Sewickley, told the crowd that with the theme of the parade being the 70th anniversary of D-Day, it was an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices U.S. soldiers made during that time.
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Restoring the Fundamental Principle of Public Service
October 25, 2014As public servants we must always remember that fundamental principle that we are the employees and the people are the boss. Working in public service is a serious responsibility and a tremendous honor and it comes with a trust that must not be abused.
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Working Towards a Healthier Economy
October 11, 2014Over the past twenty months the House has focused on passing solutions to strengthen our nation's economic foundation, empower the American people, and unleash their potential. The Jobs for America Act and American Energy Solutions for Lower Costs and More American Jobs Act, both of which the House recently passed, reflect our continued focus on these goals.
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We Can Do Better on Health Care Reform
October 1, 2014Whether fighting diabetes or heart disease, developing vaccines, or helping people walk again with robotic limbs, Western Pennsylvania doctors, nurses, and researchers are at the forefront of medical innovation. Their work saves lives, and we can be proud that our region's universities, hospitals, and laboratories are second to none.
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House-Passed Solutions Empower the American People
September 11, 2014Western Pennsylvanians from all walks of life have shared their frustration with a federal government that is controlling an ever-increasing share of their lives. They want the freedom that comes with job security and the ability to keep more of what they earn.
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Working Across the Aisle to Improve Care for Veterans
September 5, 2014Although more work remains to be done, the bipartisan reforms recently passed the House and Senate and signed by the President represent a positive step towards ensuring that veterans receive the quality health care they earned.
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House-Passed Legislation A Thoughtful and Thorough Response to Border Crisis
August 12, 2014The situation on our Southern Border is a humanitarian crisis. Solving it requires us to work together on a responsible response that secures the border, stems the tide of illegal immigration and returns the children safely to their homes.
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One thing I learned at my first jobs
July 28, 2014What was your first job? Some of my first jobs as a teenager were delivering newspapers, bagging groceries, and flipping hamburgers and working the drive-through at McDonalds. My route as a 13-year-old newspaper delivery boy included 30 homes on weekdays and 75 homes on weekends. I still remember biking through muggy summer mornings and trudging through blizzard conditions to make sure people got the paper.
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