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Patrick Meehan
Proudly representing Pennsylvania's 7th District in the U.S. House of Representatives
Patrick Meehan 21 des.
My friend delivers the Weekly Address, talks &
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Patrick Meehan 20 des.
Legislation to improve a much-discussed topic...little more than banter-until now
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Patrick Meehan 20 des.
Obama..signed into law Meehan’s legislation designed to bring together government, private sector...against hackers
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Patrick Meehan 20 des.
"A former prosecutor, Meehan built a reputation as a... champion of cooperation..."
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Patrick Meehan 20 des.
Joined yesterday morning to discuss and the
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Patrick Meehan 20 des.
Seems like a silly comedy. Not sure I'd see it. But that's America. Can't allow to dictate what can, can't be said in democracy.
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Patrick Meehan 20 des.
Joined this morning to talk about and the
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Patrick Meehan 20 des.
In this week's : Patrick Meehan, rising congressional star on
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Patrick Meehan 19 des.
Today the President signed the act to help people with disabilities save for the future
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Patrick Meehan 19 des.
I'll be with at 4:10pm today to talk about the latest on the
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Patrick Meehan retweeted
FOX & Friends 19 des.
WATCH: How vulnerable is US infrastructure to hackers? House Cyber Security Chairman weighs in
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Patrick Meehan 19 des.
Next up this morning, will be on with and to talk and at 7:30am
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Patrick Meehan 19 des.
Thanks to and for having me on this AM to talk about and the
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Patrick Meehan 19 des.
I'll be appearing on at 6:15 this morning to discuss and the
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Patrick Meehan 19 des.
RT : House cyber chair: Electric grid, Wall Street, Washington next...
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Patrick Meehan 18 des.
U.S. businesses, financial networks, gov't agencies, infrastructure systems targeted by nation-states like and Iran
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Patrick Meehan 18 des.
Attack on latest high-profile example of growing danger of threat-won’t be the last. shows dire need to upgrade cyberdefenses
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Patrick Meehan 18 des.
RT: : House cyber chair warns: First Sony, next the electric grid, Wall Street
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Patrick Meehan 18 des.
legislation I co-authored with signed into law by the President a few minutes ago
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Patrick Meehan retweeted
Ian Bush 18 des.
Timely: signs 's cyberattack defense bill into law
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