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Congressman Joe Heck
Proudly serving Nevada's 3rd Congressional District
Congressman Joe Heck 19 Des
FAA issues first Special Airworthiness Certificate for to NV after demo flight in
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Congressman Joe Heck 19 Des
Met w who maintain & operate & toured facility - 1 of 7 wonders of industrial world!
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Congressman Joe Heck 19 Des
Great music & incredible talent Foothills HS Winter Festival.
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Congressman Joe Heck me-retweet
This Is Reno 17 Des
Congressmen Amodei and Heck receive the “Friend of Farm Bureau” award
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Congressman Joe Heck 18 Des
US, Cuba deal follow-up via WashPost Ed Board: Obama gives the Castro regime in Cuba an undeserved bailout
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Congressman Joe Heck 18 Des
Thnx 2 Chabad of Summerlin for tonight's Menorah lighting in & Alan Stock as emcee
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Congressman Joe Heck 17 Des
. Post 10047 Thnx 4 helping military families w holiday meals Learn more at
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Congressman Joe Heck 17 Des
2011 letter urged "appropriate measures" 2 bring AlanGross home. Thankful 2day but concerned abt message sent
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Congressman Joe Heck 17 Des
Congrats to on winning $20,000 pantry makeover from ! Thanks to everyone who voted for them!
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Congressman Joe Heck 17 Des
On this first night of Hanukkah, wishing everyone in and across Nevada Chanukah sameach!
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Congressman Joe Heck 16 Des
Grand (re)opening 701 E. Horizon Dr, Henderson. Thnx 4 re-investing in !
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Congressman Joe Heck 16 Des
Reminder - my 2014 year-end video message will be released in Sunday's eNewsletter. Sign up here:
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Congressman Joe Heck 15 Des
Welcomed 2 & . Great burgers and shakes. And for those that are wondering, "No Coke - Pepsi!"
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Congressman Joe Heck 14 Des
Happy 378th BDay to : Always Ready, Always There! 1st muster was Salem, MA 12/13/1636.
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Congressman Joe Heck 13 Des
2Day is Day - to remember, honor & teach about the sacrifices made by our vets & families
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Congressman Joe Heck 12 Des
Recorded year-end video to be released in my Dec 21 Newsletter. Click here to sign up
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Congressman Joe Heck 11 Des
Honored to be named HASC MILPERS Subcomm. chairman & look forward to impt work ahead
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Congressman Joe Heck 10 Des
Today we honored WWII members of w Congressional Gold Medal. Semper vigilans!
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Congressman Joe Heck 9 Des
My stmnt on release of report that will put Americans in danger, risk alienating nations that may aid vs. ISIL
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Congressman Joe Heck 9 Des
Click for the latest updates on my work on behalf of . Inside - update, immigration news & more
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